Skilled Nursing, Inc. Staffing and Search© Enhance Nursing Leadership

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Since 1980, SNI has taken an aggressive, leading, and often controversial edge in assuring registered nurses and hospitals have options to meet their needs.

The company started in 1980 and began with nurses who were experienced and credentialed critical care, ER, and med/surg nurses. By anyone's standards, these professionals were at the top of their game and could have worked anywhere. Most were working for other agencies or hospitals, but were clearly on their way to their next professional endeavor. Some were NPs, some returning to nurse anesthesia school, many were in graduate school for their master's degree or PhD. SNI even had flight nurses and several who were returning to school for an MBA. Working under a contract rather than as an employee was also a new concept at that time. These nurses realized early-on that as professional nurses they could retain more wealth, health, and professional and personal options.

Today, SNI continues this mission. For the hospital client, it was more than a one way street of ‘getting a nurse." Hospitals deserved the ‘cream of the crop' and that is what they expected and received from SNI. "We had the reputation of attracting nurses with advanced certification and an average of fifteen years of clinical experience. The 1980's were pre-evidenced based nursing, but SNI nurses were known to be clinically superior, always seeking CEUs, and experienced in many hospitals which provided them with a varied experience. Hospitals loved the advantage of having highly skilled nurses who acted as part of their team even when silently leading," says SNI's CEO and Founder, Marty Minniti.

In 2007, nursing leadership has different challenges. In addition to a severe nursing shortage that can impact patient care, hospitals have also tightened budgeted dollars and are facing severe cuts in reimbursement from federal Medicare and state Medicaid programs. They need all the help they can get. That is what SNI provides: capability when needed and the right expertise that the CEO and CNO understand and value.

Most hospitals' nursing departments budget to an 80% occupancy; a good practice since no one can afford to be fully staffed when census drops. Enter SNI: we staff during peak census periods, initiating new clinical units, and hard-to fill areas. That is what makes SNI contractors special – they are in the lead.

SNI also serves as a healthcare advocate. SNI and Marty Minniti were included as a board member for DVHC/HAP for eight years and participated in the early adaptors of medication safety, SBAR communication, and knowledge-based practice.

Marty Minniti said recently, "We always saw ourselves as pro-nursing and in support of hospitals. We envision ourselves as a positive solution and as leaders who work in partnership with hospitals, nursing administration, and the nurses themselves -- all who want to make a positive difference. We are focused on the same goals and now the goals are universal."

As for SNI a nurse being independent contractors, 27 years of showing nurses business planning and financial advantages also has its rewards. "It takes skill and use of an accountant familiar with independent contracting to maximize what a nurse has earned, but the advantages are clear," says Marty Minniti. "Too many consolidations, hospital closures, and change in benefit plans have encourages nurses to build their own plans for their future."

Today there are more independent contractors nationwide in all industries than any other time in history. Even the government uses ICs and both the number and the advantages are growing.

SNI was started as a vision to provide options for nurses and hospitals. Today, it continues with the same goal and now is expanding to include clinical research and health information technology.
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