Enclosed Patio Privacy Ideas
- A board fence is one enclosed priavcy patio idea.The Bench image by bonjo from Fotolia.com
A patio is a place of peace and nature, an oasis where you can be both outdoors yet close to home. However, you may find that privacy is difficult to find when the houses of the neighbors are near. One solution is to create an enclosed privacy patio where you can still be outdoors yet out of the neighbor's view. - A board fence is one of the simplest ways to have an enclosed patio. You may have to check to see whether there are any regulations regarding the height of the fence in your city. Board fences consist of wooden planks that are fit snugly against each other, creating an excellent privacy screen. Board fences are space-efficient, which can be ideal for a small patio. You can either build your own fence or buy the fence in sections from your local building supply store. These fences come in various styles that can compliment the style of your house.
- Hedges are a practical, way to enclose your patio and create privacy year round. Arborvitae and Italian cypress grow quickly and can be shaped into impenetrable barriers. Unlike fences, there aren't usually any restrictions regarding how high you can grown them. These hedges can enclose your patio as effectively as walls.
- A pergola combined with lattice panels or hanging vines can create a small enclosure for your patio. It can offer not only privacy but relief from the sun. The other benefit is that the pergola is not a solid structure, which gives off the impression of openness.