The Death Tax
It might be only a slight stretch to refer to most taxes as a death tax because some taxes kill businesses and in too many cases rob individuals of their earned right to live in planned comfort.
Some lawmakers just cannot or will not understand that an estate was built from money already taxed.
When a family spends decades building a business that they fully intended to leave to their children the government has no business snatching their business from under the noses of their children.
Senator Weiner declares that when a person has not worked for the money they deserve to be taxed.
He declares that inheriting a business is like winning the lottery thus the heir deserves to be taxed.
Could he believe that while a child is in college and the family business grew that the child was not working in the business so qualifies under the same tax rules as a lottery winner? Farm families are especially vulnerable to this death tax.
When the last survivor is living on the farm renting out the farm land for their only source of income, a 35 to 45% tax will force that heir to sell the farm to pay the taxes forcing them out of their home and their only source of income with exception of Social Security.
This is a far cry from what the heir had planned and their government and their estate tax reduced their standard of living to near poverty level.
Now the government will pay for health care, hospitalization, nursing care and more while crushing the pride of a hard working person who through no fault of their own could be a ward of the state.
A high percentage of federal legislators are millionaires.
We can only assume that many of them inherited their start in business.
Given that they are politicians we wonder if their wealth will be taxed at thirty five to forty five percent when they pass.
How did we ever get into this idea that government can just take away our livelihood.
Maybe Republicans will make sense out of this and drop the estate, death, tax in 2011 we can only hope and vote accordingly.