Florida Child Support Modification
- 1). File the Supplemental Petition to Modify Child Support, the Supreme Court Family Law Form 12.905 (b), at the court where the original child support order was entered. This form is available at the courthouse or can be filled in and printed from the Florida State Courts website (see Resources).
- 2). Notify the custodial parent that you have filed for modification of child support. The custodial parent must respond to your petition within 20 days, or a Motion for Default will be filed at the first court appearance regarding the petition. Once a Motion for Default is entered, a final hearing date will be set by the judge to determine whether modification is appropriate.
- 3). Plead your case at the final hearing by putting forth your best argument in a clear, respectful and professional manner. Use evidence, such as bank statements, to verify any statements you are making and to demonstrate a change in financial circumstances. The more proof you have supporting your case, the more likely modification will be granted. Since Florida courts are concerned with the interests of the child above all else, make sure to also specifically state why a modification is in the child's best interest.