Teleseminar Tip #27 - Steps to Creating a Study Guide For Teleseminars
By using a study guide, you will effectively engage your prospects into focusing on the call.
The following are 5 steps to creating an effective study guide: 1.
Cover Sheet - On the cover sheet you want to list the following: Captivating Headline for the teleseminar, picture of the interviewer and interviewee, time and date of teleseminar (include the time zone), call in number and the participant code.
You will also have a list of 5-7 things the participant will learn from the call.
This is a great enticement for the participant.
Questions - An effective study guide includes questions that may be asked during the teleseminar.
It is good to have a couple of lines for the participant to fill in the answers to these questions.
Graphs/Pictures - On the pictures and graphs, you may leave some of the boxes or numbers not filled in.
You want to be able to have the participant fill in these numbers as you are going through your teleseminar.
When you leave blank spaces, it engages the participant to pay attention and not multi-task during the teleseminar.
Fill in the Blank - You may have some of the answers filled in on the study guide, but leave some blank spaces for the prospects to fill in important information.
For example, The best way for "______" to know "_____" is to "_____".
Notes Page - This is essential to any study.
You want to include a blank notes page on the end of any study guide for the prospects to take additional notes.
You can also refer to the blank notes page in the beginning of the teleseminar.
You may want to say to turn to the Notes Page and write a particular statement or website.
The more you train the prospect to take notes during the teleseminar, the better you are to engaging the prospects during the entire teleseminar.