5 Acid Reflux Self-Care That You Must Know

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Acid reflux is commonly known as heartburn because it causes a burning sensation on the chest.
It is normal for some people to experience heartburn and many people experience acid or stomach reflux from time to time.
It is normal to have occasional episodes of reflux because people usually experience it when they burp after eating but there are people who experience reflux episodes 2-3 times a day and this could be really alarming.
If this is happening to you, it may not be an ordinary reflux anymore and you might be having GERD, gastroesophageal reflux disease.
GERD should not be taken lightly because it is a condition where the gastric acid meant to digest food goes upwards to the esophagus causing chest pain.
The esophagus is not designed to tolerate gastric acid and in the long run, GERD may cause problems to the esophagus.
If you have GERD it is important to see your doctor because you may need medications or medical intervention.
Aside from medical treatment, there are also acid reflux self-care that you must know.
Here are some GERD self-care tips: Acid reflux self-care no.
1: Avoid foods triggering reflux episodes.
Managing GERD includes being mindful with what you eat.
The foods you intake can trigger reflux attacks.
Foods that are spicy, fatty and acidic can trigger reflux so avoid them.
Alcoholic, carbonated and caffeinated drinks can also trigger reflux.
It is necessary to modify your diet if you want to lessen or get rid of your reflux episodes.
Acid reflux self-care no.
2: Change your eating habits.
Do not eat too much, it is better to eat small frequent meals.
Avoid going to bed with a full stomach so eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
Avoid heavy activities or exercising after eating.
Acid reflux self-care no.
3: Avoid putting pressure on your stomach.
Do not wear clothing that are tight in the waist and avoid wearing tight belt because they can squeeze the stomach and may force food to reflux.
Wear comfortable clothing to prevent putting pressure on your stomach.
Acid reflux self-care no.
4: Reduce stress.
Stress can lead to a number of health issues including upset stomach or digestive disorder.
To reduce or eliminate your reflux episodes, you must learn to reduce your stress.
Try relaxation techniques like yoga to relieve stress and to achieve psychological and physical balance.
Acid reflux self-care no.
5: Lose weight.
If you are on the heavy side, consider losing weight if you want to stop reflux attacks.
Obese people usually have excess fats on the waist and stomach area.
Too much fats on those areas put more pressure on the stomach and could cause stomach contents to be pushed upwards to the esophagus resulting to heartburn.
Medical treatment is necessary but you also have to take the initiative to personally take care of your health.
GERD is a manageable digestive disorder and practicing the above mentioned acid reflux self-care can help you manage your heartburn successfully.
Natural treatment is another option that you could explore.
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