Printed Shell Beads Revealed
The main difference created by these shells is that they are very colorful and tend to be extremely light as compared to other beads.
As these beads are not heavy, it is very easy to make them into necklaces which will not put much burden on your neck.
The beads created are always unique in style and in design and thus they give one that personal touch rather than a common uniform look.
The use of printed shell beads as a form of art is an ancient concept documented by prehistoric analysis of human beings.
Shell beads in the Stone Age were used not only as a sign of beauty but also to communicate one's social status, this was especially seen by the number of beads one is spotted with in that the more beads you had, the higher your social and economic status.
The type of shells used is also very important with printed shell beads giving a higher value.
The social economic status was clearly seen in people who hold high positions in society were always spotted with beads.
To make a bead with shell beads involves selecting the right shape and type of shell for the desired task.
The shell is then washed and drill and this drilled hole represents the path of string or wire.
After drilling the hole, the string is attached to one shell and then slid to the other shells down the string to achieve the desired look.
Different beads of different colors and designs are used so as to create a colorful and attractive look.
Creating beads using printed shell beads is very fulfilling especially for those who enjoy a homemade craft work.
You can turn your passion for printed shell beads into a business by making the beads and selling them online.
The internet is the best place to sell as it requires very little capital to start and operate.
To do this you will need a huge supply of beads and other jewelry making supplies, and if you want to get maximum profit you should consider buying the beads in wholesale.
When buying these beads at a wholesale level, you should focus on buying quality rather than going for quantity and you should also be market driven and buy what your clients desire rather than what you like.
You should therefore compare prices and quality of as many suppliers as possible so as to get the best deals.