Increased Fuel Efficiency And Split Water
There are differing opinions equally passionate about the potential or ineffectiveness of this technology split into two camps. A lot of information is available online. One only needs to do a quick search to find many blogs, opinions and descriptions of how to split water. This article presents a summary of each sides opinions to help decide which camp to join, if you are not likely to experiment on your own. This article separates the two camps into believers and non-believers of car HHO.
Believers are very excited about car HHO technology as they think it is a promising technology with the potential to be used as a fuel alternative. There is abundance of water (this can be disputed by some) and water splitting is relatively cheap. Car owners can decrease their gasoline and help the environment. Believers even experiment with different systems, manufacture prototypes and kits and test them. Advertisements present the success of several. Believers also embrace the idea of fueling a car just on HHO without any gasoline.
Non-believers generally think that car HHO is not a possible alternative fuel solution and is ineffective. They dispute believers findings. Their reasoning is that there are too many variables and not all are controlled during experiments performed so far. The water molecule cannot be split without providing energy. It is not clear what provides the energy. Is this energy a burden on the car and fuel consumption?
Can the truth be somewhere in between? Perhaps. A quick search led me to read a non-believers thoughts. The non-believer describes his unsuccessful efforts to increase fuel efficiency by using a car HHO prototype. An important point that he makes is that this technology can only work with many car modifications. Such modifications may prevent successful passing of state emissions and may not results in less energy use and fuel efficiency.
Those interested are advised to conduct thorough research on car HHO or perform their own experiments with precaution. Perhaps, your experimentation will lead to writing an article about your experience with car HHO!