Why and Where to Find Simple Face Painting Patterns For Kids Parties
Kids never get tired of them, because there are just so many designs to go for, and kids can get pretty wild and demanding in parties where they are in high spirits.
Halloween season aside, I also kind of noticed that more and more kids are going for face designs like aliens, ghosts and one-eye monsters alike in recent years.
I firmly believe there is a close link between what's been shown in the movie theatres today and our kids' likings.
There is a trend or a behavior pattern here that I do find a little disturbing.
Honestly, I do not mind the occasional treat of cute monsters from the Monster Inc cartoon, but I personally prefer to direct the kids in the parties where I do the face painting toward the designs that bring out their natural, child-like personalities.
If I have a say, I would tell the younger kids to go with the usual butterflies and cats, for instance.
The older boys and girls tend to have their own ideas obviously, so the best I could do is to limit the face design templates that I bring along.
The reason for doing this is personal, of course.
I can paint, but I paint more with my heart rather than my mind.
My mind tells me to display my creativity so I can potentially get more business, but my heart tells me to choose between the choices that is better for the kids.
As such, I would like to offer a simple yet unconventional face painting idea here of doing away with traditional face designs.
That's right - no animals, no super heroes, no monsters and no plants.
Huh? So what do you paint? My answer: Patterns and Shapes only.
I know, some of you are probably not in agreement.
But try this out perhaps in your own family or friends' parties.
You can use face painting stencils that come with various sizes and interesting patterns to paint everyday things that your kids come into contact with like Lego blocks, Play-Doh containers or Kiddy cooking sets.
But don't paint it as they are.
"Cartoonize" it and it will look refreshing because adults and kids alike are so used to seeing the common designs such as flowers, clowns and even the Incredibles heroes.
Do the unconventional.
You will be amazed at how many thumbs up you will get.