Insanity fitness program the most intense workout around
Think your body can look like this 60 days from now? you need to be committed.
Man: Dig deeper. Come on, get it! Get it and go. 10. Down. You got it. Come on. Dig deeper. Go. Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig!
Man, this is insane.
I'm now at eight percent body fat. Pro athletes are, like, at six.
Got a nice sweat on. That's just the warmup.
The idea is to just push you to your limit.
It's fun, it's difficult, it's challenging.
It's awesome!
Look at my results. I'm psyched.
I love it. It's out of control.
Insanity, baby.
Announcer: Picture yourself getting this lean... This strong... This ripped. Now ask yourself, "how bad do I want it?" if the answer is "real bad" and you love a challenge and don't mind working out in a pool of your own sweat...
Announcer: ...Well, you just might be crazy enough for Insanity, the extreme total body conditioning program that delivers mind-blowing results in record time.
This program is designed for a 60-day, full-body transformation, where in 60 days I can get you to what takes most people a year.
Announcer: You don't need weights. Your own body supplies the resistance. And you don't need to spend countless hours in the gym. It's less than one hour a day in your own home. What you do need is willpower and lots of it. [man screams] because Insanity is going to test your limits physically and mentally. You see, Insanity is probably the hardest workout ever put on DVD, but if you can stick with it for 60 days, you'll end up with the hardest body you've ever had, a body like Shaun T., the fitness expert and former track star who developed this wicked workout.
I'm gonna keep it very real. Insanity is not for everybody. It's not. It's not for a person who's lazy. It's not for a person who finds excuses. It's only for the person who's mentally ready to take their body to peak physical condition. Now, how am I gonna do that? I'm gonna do that through max interval training.
Announcer: Traditional interval training features long periods of moderate exercise followed by short bursts of intense effort, but Shaun T. Turned that on its head. With max interval training, you do long bursts of intense exercise followed by very short periods of rest. As if that weren't tough enough, you work out at your maximum capacity on every exercise, doing as many reps as you possibly can, whether that's 40 or 14. Give it your best and you can burn up to a thousand calories a workout. Now, that's insane. In each interval, you alternate between killer cardio for accelerated fat burn, plyometrics for explosive lower-body power, sports drills for speed and agility, resistance training for upper-body definition, and core exercises for insane abs. That's why Insanity can transform your body from head to toe and get you in the best shape of your life in only 60 days.
This is beyond Insanity. They need a new word for Insanity. This is too crazy.
Announcer: There was no question that Shaun T's new workout would produce amazing results. The question was, can anyone even do it? So before we put it down on video, we put an ad in the paper asking for volunteers who were willing to take the Insanity challenge. We warned 'em it was going to be tough, but to our surprise, we drew quite a crowd: Soldiers, moms, fitness instructors, former triathletes, even total beginners. Some of them thought they were already in great shape. It took about 10 minutes into their first Insanity workout to dispel that notion. Some of them worried that they couldn't keep up, but Insanity's not about keeping up. It's about digging deep. Some of them thought they didn't have to give 100%. We showed them the door. The elite group you are about to meet are regular people just like you who pushed through the pain and survived 60 days of Insanity and have amazing results to prove it.
Before Insanity, I thought I was fit. I was in the army for 10 years, and we do physical training every day, so I thought I was in great shape. I got out of the army this year in June, so I went home and I was eating that down-home cooking all summer. I wasn't working out consistently, so I put on about 20, 30 pounds. Day one of Insanity, we start working out immediately, and I'm like, "wow, this is really intense" for about 10 minutes, and I'm going and I'm drenched in sweat, and then Shaun says, "all right, that was the warmup," and I'm like, "wait a minute," and I'm almost gassing here and we're just getting started, and it's true, by the fourth week, the warmup actually feels like a warmup, but the first three weeks, it's definitely a workout. 60 days later, 27 pounds later, just a whole lifestyle change has taken place. Wow! [chuckles] you know, I've, I've seen the change from before Insanity until now, but it's not till you put those two guys up side by side... My before picture was horrible, and I thought I was in pretty good shape. But looking at myself now, oh, man, I'd run circles around that guy. With Insanity, you're gonna hit walls, but my challenge to anybody that gets the DVD is never press pause. If you never press pause, you'll get in shape. You have no choice, because he's gonna push you and push you and push you.
You're right there. Come on, go! Go, come on!
After surviving Insanity for 60 days, I feel great. I can't stop. I got to get some more. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
This is about the person who wants to be fit, and that is it. There's no if, ands, or buts about it. It's like, "do you want to be fit?" if your answer is yes, Insanity's the workout for you. Do you not want to be fit? Then don't even step into the room.
This was not here 60 days ago. No way, no shape, no form.
I have these phenomenal abs right now. It's what you want from all those other programs say they're gonna get you.
It's just absolutely amazing that within 60 days, I can produce these results without using equipment, without using weights.
My cholesterol has gone down. I've lost 16% body fat. My life has changed.
Transformation for Shaun T. Is a right-now proposition. You work so damn hard, you don't have time to think.
You have to put the effort in to get the effort out. You had to use your body to get the body that you wanted.
Shaun: Stop moving back. Move forward. Come on, go!
I've done more in this 60 days than I’ve done in my 30 years.
You got to be dedicated. These are for people who feel the pain and don't run from it.
It's all in your head, you know? How far can you go? How much can you push?
If you're gonna work out, get Insanity and work out hard the whole entire time that you're working out so that when you're done, you know you worked out.
In Insanity, you're pushing yourself, and then you're pushing a little bit more, and then when you think, "this is it, I've got no more," Shaun's like, "yes, you do, you've got a little bit more to give," and it's that, you know, that you need to be able to get to the next level. As a fitness instructor, I'm a big fan of the gadgets. You know, give me some tubes, give me a spin bike, give me some dumbbells-- the more, the merrier, you know? And what I realized with this is that, why waste your time with any of that when you've got the tools right here? I remember the day I met Shaun, and he said, you know, "are you ready?" and I stepped forward, and I said, "are you ready?" and Shaun's like, "for what?" I said, "for me." [man laughs] I'm gonna pay for that.
Drop down and give me 20 right now. [observers cheering] ...And, you know, he kind of was like, "all right, let's see what you can do."
18... Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it. Lower. Lower. [observers cheering] good job. Yeah...!
Because I was skeptical when I went in at first, thinking like I was gonna really be able to stand out of the crowd. And within the warmup, I was struggling, and that was such a shock to me that I'm fit, I'm athletic, and I'm struggling in the warmup? And it really made me realize that, you know, I've got a ways to go, and now by the end of the program, I'm just amazed at how far I've come. I lost, you know, three inches around my waist. I never thought, you know, it was possible for my stomach to be this flat, for my waist to be this tiny. Before Insanity, I was wearing a size 6, and I was so happy that I could squeeze myself into a size 6. And now my size 6 jeans are, like, falling off. Now you can't keep the clothes on me. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
In two days, you'll feel your muscles start to change, your muscles start to react to this unrested type of workout, and they just want more and want more and want more and want more.
In the 60 days since I started Insanity, I’ve lost 30 pounds, I’ve lost 30 inches of body mass. That's six and a half inches around the waist, a couple inches here, a couple inches here, a couple inches off the legs. I mean, my before and after pictures are just shocking. Insanity let the real me sort of come back out. I was athletic as a young guy. I played sports through college. You know, I did all these things. And you get older and you get stuck behind a desk, and you just don't get to work out the way you used to, and this has sort of let me get back to being what I was like when I was in my early 20s. You know, I'm 37 now, but I feel like I'm 15 years younger. As tough as Insanity got, you get sort of addicted to it and you want to keep pushing. You know, you don't doubt that you're losing weight in that workout, because sweat is coming off you like a river when you're pushing yourself that hard. When I saw my before and after pictures up against each other on that computer screen, I mean, there's that moment when you feel the little tingle in the back and the blush going on, and like, "holy crap, I am a different person now." and it for sure, it blew me away. You know, I'm not done yet. You don't finish. Just 'cause the first 60 days are over, you can keep being insane as long as you want. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
Announcer: Are you ready to dedicate the next 60 days of your life to getting in the best shape of your life? Are you willing to keep going when your body's begging you to stop?
You're right there. Come on, go! Go, come on!
Announcer: Then you're ready for Insanity.
Shaun: Yeah, you're doing Insanity... Yeah, come on! Unh!
Announcer: You don't need weights. Your own body supplies the resistance. You don't need to spend countless hours in the gym. It's less than an hour a day in your own home. We're not gonna lie to you and say it's easy. Insanity is probably the hardest workout ever put on DVD, but there's a method behind the madness. It's called max interval training. Traditional workouts feature long periods of moderate exercise followed by short bursts of intense effort, but max interval training features long bursts of intense exercise followed by short periods of rest. In each interval, you work out at your max, squeezing out every last rep you can, whether that's 40 or 14. Give it your best and you can burn up to a thousand calories a workout. Now, that's insane. Shaun's pushing your body to a place it's never been, so it becomes something it's never been. Insanity gives you the tools, including 10 insane workouts. The Insanity challenge starts with dig deeper, Shaun T's fit test. It's a wakeup call that tells you your true fitness level. Wait till you see what happens when you take it again on day 60. You won't believe how far you've come. Then it's time to take on month one. A rotation of five workouts, about 30 minutes a day, including plyometric circuit-- intervals of fat-scorching cardio and intense lower-body plyo that will leave you standing in a puddle of sweat. Power & resistance-- intervals of strength training and power moves to create lean, sculpted muscle and upper-body definition. Cardio abs-- explosive intervals of cardio and core moves for a rock-hard core and insane abdominals. Pure cardio. Skip the intervals today. This is nonstop extreme cardio with no rest at all. Melts body fat like candle wax. Recovery. Shaun T. Goes a little easier on you one day a week to let your body recuperate so you'll be ready for a mean month two. Speak of the devil. Month two is about digging even deeper with four new maxed-out workouts. These workouts are a little longer-- about 45 minutes-- but hey, that's a lot faster than a trip to the gym. Yep, these babies are hard, but do 'em and your body will be too. 60 days of training with Shaun costs over $1,000, but Insanity won't cost you $1,000. Not 500. Not 300. Not even close. Because if you call in the next 20 minutes, you get the entire Insanity fitness program for only three payments of $39.95. That's right, you get this for only three payments of $39.95. And we'll include four free gifts to make sure you succeed. We'll give you the Insanity wall calendar that shows you which workouts to do on each day. Check 'em off as you go and pat yourself on the back. You just accomplished something most people won't even dare to try. Plus, we'll send you elite nutrition, the comprehensive, two-phase eating plan that will fuel your body for 60 days of insane workouts. You'll eat five meals a day. Meals, not snacks. Celery sticks ain't gonna get you through Insanity. You'll also receive the Insanity fitness guide that spells out everything you need to know for the next 60 days. It's short and to the point. We want you working out, not reading. You'll even get free online support from Shaun T. And other crazy people like you who are taking the Insanity challenge. That's four free gifts along with 10 different workouts. Hold on. Make that 11. Shaun will send you a bonus workout, core cardio & balance, with sport-specific drills to make you look and feel like a professional athlete. And don't go insane waiting weeks for your package to arrive. Be one of the first 500 callers to order and get a free upgrade to express delivery. We'll deliver Insanity in just five to seven business days. And Insanity comes with a 30-day "get fit or give it back" money-back guarantee. If you don't get fit, send it back, and we'll refund the purchase price. We don't want to rip you off. We want to get you ripped. And check this out. Do Insanity for 60 days, send us your before and after photos, and we'll send you a free Insanity t-shirt. So take the 60-day Insanity challenge. Find out how deep you can dig, how great you can look, and what you're really made of. Call 800-354-4196 now.
Shaun: You can freakin' do it, so work. Come on, y'all! Let's go! [¶...] Dig deeper. Go, push. Get in it and move. Come on, y'all. Come on, go! Relax the jaws. Relax the fingers. Push through. Move. Come on! Dig with me. I'm right here. Go.
Well, to me, what Shaun meant when he said dig is to dig deep, dig deep in your soul. You got to just, you just got to find something in you to push you forward, to help you overcome that pain, that wall. In 60 days in Insanity, I lost 25 pounds. A whole 25 pounds off of me. I had no idea I had 25 pounds to lose. The proof is in the pudding. It's all right here. 25 pounds lighter, 35 inches in total, eight inches off the waist. Numbers don't lie. Looking at my before and after photos for the very first time, I was shocked. I set a goal to get something back. I exceeded that goal. There was a whole bunch of emotion inside, and I was just happy that I could do it and I saw my way through it. Just plug every day. Just plug at it, plug at it, plug at it. Don't give up. It's gonna burn. It's gonna hurt. You're gonna sweat. You're gonna be sore. Just do it and you'll definitely get these results. So 60 days ago, no, I wouldn't imagine I'd have, like, this and all this. I couldn't have, but thanks to Shaun T. And Beachbody, I made it happen. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
You have this body, you want that body, you got to take a straight line to get that body. No walking on the treadmill at 4.5 with a three-degree incline. Do this. Go as hard as you possibly can.
Before Insanity, I was doing as little as possible. I was taking the easy road out, so for me, this was a totally different tactic. I was walking into a program that wasn't about being easy. It was about taking on one of the hardest challenges that you ever can in your life. It's proof-- the easy way doesn't work. I'm not the same person I was 60 days ago. I lost 13 pounds and 14 inches. Three and a half inches off my waist. I started out, I was wearing size 12 and 14 jeans. I'm in a pair of jeans right now that I haven't worn in two years. Words can't express how proud I am of myself. I feel accomplished. I feel like I can take on the world. And, you know, there's no mountain that we can't climb. It's all right here, and if you're ready to take the challenge, then it can happen. If you're not, go home. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
The most amazing thing about Insanity is you don't need anything but your body and me to motivate you through the most difficult, intense workout that will get you in the best shape of your life, guaranteed.
It's unexplainable how you can go from a level that is mediocre to, like, just this elite kind of athletic form.
I thought I was in good shape before, but now I know I'm in good shape, and it's because of Shaun T. And his workout, for sure.
I have a newfound confidence in every single thing that I do.
Shaun as a trainer is like having a big brother, and I never had one, so to have somebody push me to go further than I think I can go, it was great, a great experience.
When I leave Shaun T. And this arena of, you know, working at 110%, I take that right into the rest of my life.
The fact that it does push you past your limit, that's amazing to me, because I felt like I was so healthy before, and yet I pushed my limit, and then I see the results. I was like, wow.
I love it. It's out of control. It's cross-training. It's intervals. I mean, he has put together such a great workout. You just, you don't want to stop, and when they stop, take a three-second break, come right into it with us. It's so much fun. This is my favorite one! I'm in my 40s now, and I have twins who are four and a half now. I mean, after having my twins, I never thought my stomach would be so taut. I have these phenomenal abs right now. My upper abs are the best they've ever been. It's not just the superficial layer. It's like deep, deep, deep. It's what you want from all those other programs say they're gonna get you. I have not done one crunch, I have not done one sit-up on the floor. And it's been all me. There's been no weights, nothing.
Pushups, Alysia. 4, 3, 2. Run it out!
This program peeled off all those layers that were covering me for all those years, and now my 40s are gonna be rocking, and my 50s are gonna be sensational. And I didn't think I had all that weight to lose. I didn't think I had all those inches to lose. But I gained an inch in my arms, and they are just so cute now. I love them. [chuckles] [spray paint rattles, sprays]
Announcer: Do you want to transform your body in only 60 days? If you've got the will, Insanity's the way. You get 10 insane workouts with intervals of plyometrics for explosive lower-body power, resistance training for upper-body definition, killer cardio for high-speed fat burn, and insane ab routines for a rock-hard core. No, they're not easy, but if you stick with it, you'll get a year's worth of results in only 60 days and the satisfaction of knowing that you can conquer any challenge. Call in the next 10 minutes and Insanity can be yours for only three easy payments of $39.95. Not much to pay for results like this. We'll even include the Insanity wall calendar that maps out your two-month transformation, elite nutrition to fuel your body, and the Insanity fitness guide to jump-start your transformation. Plus, you get free online support from Shaun T. Himself and this bonus workout with sports drills for that lean, athletic look. And don't go insane waiting weeks for your package to arrive. Be one of the first 500 callers to order and get a free upgrade to express delivery. We'll deliver Insanity in just five to seven business days. And Insanity comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So take the 60-day Insanity challenge. Find out how deep you can dig, how great you can look, and what you're really made of. Call 800-354-4196 now.
Shaun: You can freakin' do it, so work.
Shaun T. And Insanity has transformed my life. I was an athlete prior. I raced competitive triathlon. In fact, I had at one time in my life, done the iron man in Hawaii, and I'd have to say, after only 60 days of this program, I feel more fit than ever. I mean, it's just absolutely amazing that within 60 days I can produce these results without using equipment, without using weights. If this is 40 years old, starting into the next 10 years when I have kids and, you know... What can I say? It's been insane, unbelievable, and unforgettable.
These guys after 60 days were absolutely amazing. They pushed. I saw people doing things that they never could have done on day one. They just progressed and progressed and progressed into the magnificent fitness people that they are today.
This Insanity workout pushed me to work beyond my comfort levels, and that's how I knew I was getting results.
I have lost nearly 20 pounds, countless inches, and I am in the best shape of my life. I'm just so grateful.
The personal transformation you get is you doing it. Shaun didn't do any pushups for me. He didn't do any jumping jacks or switch kicks. I did them, but he was like a ladder for us to stand on to reach something we couldn't reach ourselves.
You gave me the tools and the inspiration to push my mind and body to a level that I didn't even think was humanly possible.
I had no idea it would be this extreme, the changes that I see, the way I feel, the way I look.
We all got cut from Insanity.
Yeah, like these cuts, these cuts... [laughter]
I went from 212 to 183 in 60 days of Insanity. That's almost 30 pounds gone, [snaps fingers] 60 days.
21 pounds.
Insanity will take you out of average and put you in the elite class. You know, you almost want to dare somebody to try and do it, you know, and see if they can keep up with you.
I do want more. I just, I love the results I'm getting. I love how I feel about my body. I love how I feel in my own skin now, and I love the energy level I have. I totally want to keep going.
I mean, every day we came in here and just left it all on the floor, and I feel amazing.
I'm down to six percent body fat, which I wasn't even born with six percent body fat.
And in 60 days, I lost more than four inches in my waist, I lost almost two inches in each thigh, my butt got firmer and tighter.
60 days to get the body that you thought you never could have? You can have it.
I feel a lot better than I ever have in my life physically, and I feel like there's nothing I couldn't do if I was challenged to do it.
If you just, you know, devote yourself one hour a day, you're gonna change your body, you're gonna transform your life.
We are insane! [cheering] [spray paint rattles, sprays]
Announcer: Are you ready to dedicate the next 60 days of your life to getting in the best shape of your life? Are you willing to keep going when your body's begging you to stop?
You're right there. Come on, go! Go, come on!
Announcer: Then you're ready for Insanity.
Shaun: Yeah, you're doing Insanity... Yeah, come on! Unh!
Announcer: We're not gonna lie to you and say it's easy. Insanity is probably the most insane workout ever put on DVD, but there's a method behind the madness. It's called max interval training. Traditional workouts feature long periods of moderate exercise followed by short bursts of intense effort, but max interval training features long bursts of intense exercise followed by short periods of rest. In each interval, you work out at your max, squeezing out every last rep you can. And want to talk calories? You can easily burn a thousand a workout. Now, that's insane. Because Shaun's pushing your body to a place it's never been, it becomes something it's never been. Insanity gives you the tools, including 10 insane workouts. The Insanity challenge starts with dig deeper, Shaun T's fit test. It's a wakeup call that tells you your true fitness level. When you take it again on day 60, you won't believe how far you've come. Then it's time to take on month one. A rotation of five workouts, about 30 minutes a day, including plyometric circuit-- intervals of fat-scorching cardio and intense lower-body plyo. Power & resistance-- strength training to create lean muscle and upper-body definition. Cardio abs-- intervals of cardio and core moves for insane abdominals. Pure cardio. Skip the intervals today. This is nonstop extreme cardio with no rest at all. Recovery. Shaun T. Goes a little easier on you one day a week to let your body recuperate. In month two, you'll be ready to take it to the max with four new workouts including max interval circuit, max cardio conditioning, and max interval plyo. These workouts are a little longer-- about 45 minutes-- but hey, that's a lot faster than a trip to the gym. 60 days of training with Shaun costs over $1,000, but Insanity won't cost you $1,000. Not even close. Because if you call in the next five minutes, you get the entire Insanity fitness program for only three payments of $39.95. Plus, we'll include the Insanity wall calendar that shows you which workouts to do on each day; elite nutrition, the customizable eating plan that fuels your body for 60 days of insane workouts; the Insanity fitness guide that spells out everything you need to know to get you in the best shape of your life; and free online support from Shaun T. And other crazy people like you who are taking the Insanity challenge. Shaun will even send you a bonus workout-- core cardio & balance, with sport-specific drills to make you look and feel like a professional athlete. And don't go insane waiting weeks for your package to arrive. Be one of the first 500 callers to order and get a free upgrade to express delivery. You'll receive Insanity in just five to seven business days. And Insanity comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don't get fit, send it back, and we'll refund the purchase price. We don't want to rip you off. We want to get you ripped. And check this out. Do Insanity for 60 days, send us your before and after photos, and we'll send you a free Insanity t-shirt. So take the 60-day Insanity challenge. Find out how deep you can dig, how great you can look, and what you're really made of. Call 800-354-4196 now.
Shaun: You can freakin' do it, so work.
What I love is I didn't lift one weight in 60 days and I'm more cut than I've ever been in my life.
Every part of my body transformed into something I'd only dreamed of.
I wanted to see what would happen. I mean, wouldn't you want to see how far you could push your body?
Man: Dig deeper. Come on, get it! Get it and go. 10. Down. You got it. Come on. Dig deeper. Go. Dig, dig, dig, dig, dig!
Man, this is insane.
I'm now at eight percent body fat. Pro athletes are, like, at six.
Got a nice sweat on. That's just the warmup.
The idea is to just push you to your limit.
It's fun, it's difficult, it's challenging.
It's awesome!
Look at my results. I'm psyched.
I love it. It's out of control.
Insanity, baby.
Announcer: Picture yourself getting this lean... This strong... This ripped. Now ask yourself, "how bad do I want it?" if the answer is "real bad" and you love a challenge and don't mind working out in a pool of your own sweat...
Announcer: ...Well, you just might be crazy enough for Insanity, the extreme total body conditioning program that delivers mind-blowing results in record time.
This program is designed for a 60-day, full-body transformation, where in 60 days I can get you to what takes most people a year.
Announcer: You don't need weights. Your own body supplies the resistance. And you don't need to spend countless hours in the gym. It's less than one hour a day in your own home. What you do need is willpower and lots of it. [man screams] because Insanity is going to test your limits physically and mentally. You see, Insanity is probably the hardest workout ever put on DVD, but if you can stick with it for 60 days, you'll end up with the hardest body you've ever had, a body like Shaun T., the fitness expert and former track star who developed this wicked workout.
I'm gonna keep it very real. Insanity is not for everybody. It's not. It's not for a person who's lazy. It's not for a person who finds excuses. It's only for the person who's mentally ready to take their body to peak physical condition. Now, how am I gonna do that? I'm gonna do that through max interval training.
Announcer: Traditional interval training features long periods of moderate exercise followed by short bursts of intense effort, but Shaun T. Turned that on its head. With max interval training, you do long bursts of intense exercise followed by very short periods of rest. As if that weren't tough enough, you work out at your maximum capacity on every exercise, doing as many reps as you possibly can, whether that's 40 or 14. Give it your best and you can burn up to a thousand calories a workout. Now, that's insane. In each interval, you alternate between killer cardio for accelerated fat burn, plyometrics for explosive lower-body power, sports drills for speed and agility, resistance training for upper-body definition, and core exercises for insane abs. That's why Insanity can transform your body from head to toe and get you in the best shape of your life in only 60 days.
This is beyond Insanity. They need a new word for Insanity. This is too crazy.
Announcer: There was no question that Shaun T's new workout would produce amazing results. The question was, can anyone even do it? So before we put it down on video, we put an ad in the paper asking for volunteers who were willing to take the Insanity challenge. We warned 'em it was going to be tough, but to our surprise, we drew quite a crowd: Soldiers, moms, fitness instructors, former triathletes, even total beginners. Some of them thought they were already in great shape. It took about 10 minutes into their first Insanity workout to dispel that notion. Some of them worried that they couldn't keep up, but Insanity's not about keeping up. It's about digging deep. Some of them thought they didn't have to give 100%. We showed them the door. The elite group you are about to meet are regular people just like you who pushed through the pain and survived 60 days of Insanity and have amazing results to prove it.
Before Insanity, I thought I was fit. I was in the army for 10 years, and we do physical training every day, so I thought I was in great shape. I got out of the army this year in June, so I went home and I was eating that down-home cooking all summer. I wasn't working out consistently, so I put on about 20, 30 pounds. Day one of Insanity, we start working out immediately, and I'm like, "wow, this is really intense" for about 10 minutes, and I'm going and I'm drenched in sweat, and then Shaun says, "all right, that was the warmup," and I'm like, "wait a minute," and I'm almost gassing here and we're just getting started, and it's true, by the fourth week, the warmup actually feels like a warmup, but the first three weeks, it's definitely a workout. 60 days later, 27 pounds later, just a whole lifestyle change has taken place. Wow! [chuckles] you know, I've, I've seen the change from before Insanity until now, but it's not till you put those two guys up side by side... My before picture was horrible, and I thought I was in pretty good shape. But looking at myself now, oh, man, I'd run circles around that guy. With Insanity, you're gonna hit walls, but my challenge to anybody that gets the DVD is never press pause. If you never press pause, you'll get in shape. You have no choice, because he's gonna push you and push you and push you.
You're right there. Come on, go! Go, come on!
After surviving Insanity for 60 days, I feel great. I can't stop. I got to get some more. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
This is about the person who wants to be fit, and that is it. There's no if, ands, or buts about it. It's like, "do you want to be fit?" if your answer is yes, Insanity's the workout for you. Do you not want to be fit? Then don't even step into the room.
This was not here 60 days ago. No way, no shape, no form.
I have these phenomenal abs right now. It's what you want from all those other programs say they're gonna get you.
It's just absolutely amazing that within 60 days, I can produce these results without using equipment, without using weights.
My cholesterol has gone down. I've lost 16% body fat. My life has changed.
Transformation for Shaun T. Is a right-now proposition. You work so damn hard, you don't have time to think.
You have to put the effort in to get the effort out. You had to use your body to get the body that you wanted.
Shaun: Stop moving back. Move forward. Come on, go!
I've done more in this 60 days than I’ve done in my 30 years.
You got to be dedicated. These are for people who feel the pain and don't run from it.
It's all in your head, you know? How far can you go? How much can you push?
If you're gonna work out, get Insanity and work out hard the whole entire time that you're working out so that when you're done, you know you worked out.
In Insanity, you're pushing yourself, and then you're pushing a little bit more, and then when you think, "this is it, I've got no more," Shaun's like, "yes, you do, you've got a little bit more to give," and it's that, you know, that you need to be able to get to the next level. As a fitness instructor, I'm a big fan of the gadgets. You know, give me some tubes, give me a spin bike, give me some dumbbells-- the more, the merrier, you know? And what I realized with this is that, why waste your time with any of that when you've got the tools right here? I remember the day I met Shaun, and he said, you know, "are you ready?" and I stepped forward, and I said, "are you ready?" and Shaun's like, "for what?" I said, "for me." [man laughs] I'm gonna pay for that.
Drop down and give me 20 right now. [observers cheering] ...And, you know, he kind of was like, "all right, let's see what you can do."
18... Hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it. Lower. Lower. [observers cheering] good job. Yeah...!
Because I was skeptical when I went in at first, thinking like I was gonna really be able to stand out of the crowd. And within the warmup, I was struggling, and that was such a shock to me that I'm fit, I'm athletic, and I'm struggling in the warmup? And it really made me realize that, you know, I've got a ways to go, and now by the end of the program, I'm just amazed at how far I've come. I lost, you know, three inches around my waist. I never thought, you know, it was possible for my stomach to be this flat, for my waist to be this tiny. Before Insanity, I was wearing a size 6, and I was so happy that I could squeeze myself into a size 6. And now my size 6 jeans are, like, falling off. Now you can't keep the clothes on me. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
In two days, you'll feel your muscles start to change, your muscles start to react to this unrested type of workout, and they just want more and want more and want more and want more.
In the 60 days since I started Insanity, I’ve lost 30 pounds, I’ve lost 30 inches of body mass. That's six and a half inches around the waist, a couple inches here, a couple inches here, a couple inches off the legs. I mean, my before and after pictures are just shocking. Insanity let the real me sort of come back out. I was athletic as a young guy. I played sports through college. You know, I did all these things. And you get older and you get stuck behind a desk, and you just don't get to work out the way you used to, and this has sort of let me get back to being what I was like when I was in my early 20s. You know, I'm 37 now, but I feel like I'm 15 years younger. As tough as Insanity got, you get sort of addicted to it and you want to keep pushing. You know, you don't doubt that you're losing weight in that workout, because sweat is coming off you like a river when you're pushing yourself that hard. When I saw my before and after pictures up against each other on that computer screen, I mean, there's that moment when you feel the little tingle in the back and the blush going on, and like, "holy crap, I am a different person now." and it for sure, it blew me away. You know, I'm not done yet. You don't finish. Just 'cause the first 60 days are over, you can keep being insane as long as you want. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
Announcer: Are you ready to dedicate the next 60 days of your life to getting in the best shape of your life? Are you willing to keep going when your body's begging you to stop?
You're right there. Come on, go! Go, come on!
Announcer: Then you're ready for Insanity.
Shaun: Yeah, you're doing Insanity... Yeah, come on! Unh!
Announcer: You don't need weights. Your own body supplies the resistance. You don't need to spend countless hours in the gym. It's less than an hour a day in your own home. We're not gonna lie to you and say it's easy. Insanity is probably the hardest workout ever put on DVD, but there's a method behind the madness. It's called max interval training. Traditional workouts feature long periods of moderate exercise followed by short bursts of intense effort, but max interval training features long bursts of intense exercise followed by short periods of rest. In each interval, you work out at your max, squeezing out every last rep you can, whether that's 40 or 14. Give it your best and you can burn up to a thousand calories a workout. Now, that's insane. Shaun's pushing your body to a place it's never been, so it becomes something it's never been. Insanity gives you the tools, including 10 insane workouts. The Insanity challenge starts with dig deeper, Shaun T's fit test. It's a wakeup call that tells you your true fitness level. Wait till you see what happens when you take it again on day 60. You won't believe how far you've come. Then it's time to take on month one. A rotation of five workouts, about 30 minutes a day, including plyometric circuit-- intervals of fat-scorching cardio and intense lower-body plyo that will leave you standing in a puddle of sweat. Power & resistance-- intervals of strength training and power moves to create lean, sculpted muscle and upper-body definition. Cardio abs-- explosive intervals of cardio and core moves for a rock-hard core and insane abdominals. Pure cardio. Skip the intervals today. This is nonstop extreme cardio with no rest at all. Melts body fat like candle wax. Recovery. Shaun T. Goes a little easier on you one day a week to let your body recuperate so you'll be ready for a mean month two. Speak of the devil. Month two is about digging even deeper with four new maxed-out workouts. These workouts are a little longer-- about 45 minutes-- but hey, that's a lot faster than a trip to the gym. Yep, these babies are hard, but do 'em and your body will be too. 60 days of training with Shaun costs over $1,000, but Insanity won't cost you $1,000. Not 500. Not 300. Not even close. Because if you call in the next 20 minutes, you get the entire Insanity fitness program for only three payments of $39.95. That's right, you get this for only three payments of $39.95. And we'll include four free gifts to make sure you succeed. We'll give you the Insanity wall calendar that shows you which workouts to do on each day. Check 'em off as you go and pat yourself on the back. You just accomplished something most people won't even dare to try. Plus, we'll send you elite nutrition, the comprehensive, two-phase eating plan that will fuel your body for 60 days of insane workouts. You'll eat five meals a day. Meals, not snacks. Celery sticks ain't gonna get you through Insanity. You'll also receive the Insanity fitness guide that spells out everything you need to know for the next 60 days. It's short and to the point. We want you working out, not reading. You'll even get free online support from Shaun T. And other crazy people like you who are taking the Insanity challenge. That's four free gifts along with 10 different workouts. Hold on. Make that 11. Shaun will send you a bonus workout, core cardio & balance, with sport-specific drills to make you look and feel like a professional athlete. And don't go insane waiting weeks for your package to arrive. Be one of the first 500 callers to order and get a free upgrade to express delivery. We'll deliver Insanity in just five to seven business days. And Insanity comes with a 30-day "get fit or give it back" money-back guarantee. If you don't get fit, send it back, and we'll refund the purchase price. We don't want to rip you off. We want to get you ripped. And check this out. Do Insanity for 60 days, send us your before and after photos, and we'll send you a free Insanity t-shirt. So take the 60-day Insanity challenge. Find out how deep you can dig, how great you can look, and what you're really made of. Call 800-354-4196 now.
Shaun: You can freakin' do it, so work. Come on, y'all! Let's go! [¶...] Dig deeper. Go, push. Get in it and move. Come on, y'all. Come on, go! Relax the jaws. Relax the fingers. Push through. Move. Come on! Dig with me. I'm right here. Go.
Well, to me, what Shaun meant when he said dig is to dig deep, dig deep in your soul. You got to just, you just got to find something in you to push you forward, to help you overcome that pain, that wall. In 60 days in Insanity, I lost 25 pounds. A whole 25 pounds off of me. I had no idea I had 25 pounds to lose. The proof is in the pudding. It's all right here. 25 pounds lighter, 35 inches in total, eight inches off the waist. Numbers don't lie. Looking at my before and after photos for the very first time, I was shocked. I set a goal to get something back. I exceeded that goal. There was a whole bunch of emotion inside, and I was just happy that I could do it and I saw my way through it. Just plug every day. Just plug at it, plug at it, plug at it. Don't give up. It's gonna burn. It's gonna hurt. You're gonna sweat. You're gonna be sore. Just do it and you'll definitely get these results. So 60 days ago, no, I wouldn't imagine I'd have, like, this and all this. I couldn't have, but thanks to Shaun T. And Beachbody, I made it happen. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
You have this body, you want that body, you got to take a straight line to get that body. No walking on the treadmill at 4.5 with a three-degree incline. Do this. Go as hard as you possibly can.
Before Insanity, I was doing as little as possible. I was taking the easy road out, so for me, this was a totally different tactic. I was walking into a program that wasn't about being easy. It was about taking on one of the hardest challenges that you ever can in your life. It's proof-- the easy way doesn't work. I'm not the same person I was 60 days ago. I lost 13 pounds and 14 inches. Three and a half inches off my waist. I started out, I was wearing size 12 and 14 jeans. I'm in a pair of jeans right now that I haven't worn in two years. Words can't express how proud I am of myself. I feel accomplished. I feel like I can take on the world. And, you know, there's no mountain that we can't climb. It's all right here, and if you're ready to take the challenge, then it can happen. If you're not, go home. [spray paint rattles, sprays]
The most amazing thing about Insanity is you don't need anything but your body and me to motivate you through the most difficult, intense workout that will get you in the best shape of your life, guaranteed.
It's unexplainable how you can go from a level that is mediocre to, like, just this elite kind of athletic form.
I thought I was in good shape before, but now I know I'm in good shape, and it's because of Shaun T. And his workout, for sure.
I have a newfound confidence in every single thing that I do.
Shaun as a trainer is like having a big brother, and I never had one, so to have somebody push me to go further than I think I can go, it was great, a great experience.
When I leave Shaun T. And this arena of, you know, working at 110%, I take that right into the rest of my life.
The fact that it does push you past your limit, that's amazing to me, because I felt like I was so healthy before, and yet I pushed my limit, and then I see the results. I was like, wow.
I love it. It's out of control. It's cross-training. It's intervals. I mean, he has put together such a great workout. You just, you don't want to stop, and when they stop, take a three-second break, come right into it with us. It's so much fun. This is my favorite one! I'm in my 40s now, and I have twins who are four and a half now. I mean, after having my twins, I never thought my stomach would be so taut. I have these phenomenal abs right now. My upper abs are the best they've ever been. It's not just the superficial layer. It's like deep, deep, deep. It's what you want from all those other programs say they're gonna get you. I have not done one crunch, I have not done one sit-up on the floor. And it's been all me. There's been no weights, nothing.
Pushups, Alysia. 4, 3, 2. Run it out!
This program peeled off all those layers that were covering me for all those years, and now my 40s are gonna be rocking, and my 50s are gonna be sensational. And I didn't think I had all that weight to lose. I didn't think I had all those inches to lose. But I gained an inch in my arms, and they are just so cute now. I love them. [chuckles] [spray paint rattles, sprays]
Announcer: Do you want to transform your body in only 60 days? If you've got the will, Insanity's the way. You get 10 insane workouts with intervals of plyometrics for explosive lower-body power, resistance training for upper-body definition, killer cardio for high-speed fat burn, and insane ab routines for a rock-hard core. No, they're not easy, but if you stick with it, you'll get a year's worth of results in only 60 days and the satisfaction of knowing that you can conquer any challenge. Call in the next 10 minutes and Insanity can be yours for only three easy payments of $39.95. Not much to pay for results like this. We'll even include the Insanity wall calendar that maps out your two-month transformation, elite nutrition to fuel your body, and the Insanity fitness guide to jump-start your transformation. Plus, you get free online support from Shaun T. Himself and this bonus workout with sports drills for that lean, athletic look. And don't go insane waiting weeks for your package to arrive. Be one of the first 500 callers to order and get a free upgrade to express delivery. We'll deliver Insanity in just five to seven business days. And Insanity comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. So take the 60-day Insanity challenge. Find out how deep you can dig, how great you can look, and what you're really made of. Call 800-354-4196 now.
Shaun: You can freakin' do it, so work.
Shaun T. And Insanity has transformed my life. I was an athlete prior. I raced competitive triathlon. In fact, I had at one time in my life, done the iron man in Hawaii, and I'd have to say, after only 60 days of this program, I feel more fit than ever. I mean, it's just absolutely amazing that within 60 days I can produce these results without using equipment, without using weights. If this is 40 years old, starting into the next 10 years when I have kids and, you know... What can I say? It's been insane, unbelievable, and unforgettable.
These guys after 60 days were absolutely amazing. They pushed. I saw people doing things that they never could have done on day one. They just progressed and progressed and progressed into the magnificent fitness people that they are today.
This Insanity workout pushed me to work beyond my comfort levels, and that's how I knew I was getting results.
I have lost nearly 20 pounds, countless inches, and I am in the best shape of my life. I'm just so grateful.
The personal transformation you get is you doing it. Shaun didn't do any pushups for me. He didn't do any jumping jacks or switch kicks. I did them, but he was like a ladder for us to stand on to reach something we couldn't reach ourselves.
You gave me the tools and the inspiration to push my mind and body to a level that I didn't even think was humanly possible.
I had no idea it would be this extreme, the changes that I see, the way I feel, the way I look.
We all got cut from Insanity.
Yeah, like these cuts, these cuts... [laughter]
I went from 212 to 183 in 60 days of Insanity. That's almost 30 pounds gone, [snaps fingers] 60 days.
21 pounds.
Insanity will take you out of average and put you in the elite class. You know, you almost want to dare somebody to try and do it, you know, and see if they can keep up with you.
I do want more. I just, I love the results I'm getting. I love how I feel about my body. I love how I feel in my own skin now, and I love the energy level I have. I totally want to keep going.
I mean, every day we came in here and just left it all on the floor, and I feel amazing.
I'm down to six percent body fat, which I wasn't even born with six percent body fat.
And in 60 days, I lost more than four inches in my waist, I lost almost two inches in each thigh, my butt got firmer and tighter.
60 days to get the body that you thought you never could have? You can have it.
I feel a lot better than I ever have in my life physically, and I feel like there's nothing I couldn't do if I was challenged to do it.
If you just, you know, devote yourself one hour a day, you're gonna change your body, you're gonna transform your life.
We are insane! [cheering] [spray paint rattles, sprays]
Announcer: Are you ready to dedicate the next 60 days of your life to getting in the best shape of your life? Are you willing to keep going when your body's begging you to stop?
You're right there. Come on, go! Go, come on!
Announcer: Then you're ready for Insanity.
Shaun: Yeah, you're doing Insanity... Yeah, come on! Unh!
Announcer: We're not gonna lie to you and say it's easy. Insanity is probably the most insane workout ever put on DVD, but there's a method behind the madness. It's called max interval training. Traditional workouts feature long periods of moderate exercise followed by short bursts of intense effort, but max interval training features long bursts of intense exercise followed by short periods of rest. In each interval, you work out at your max, squeezing out every last rep you can. And want to talk calories? You can easily burn a thousand a workout. Now, that's insane. Because Shaun's pushing your body to a place it's never been, it becomes something it's never been. Insanity gives you the tools, including 10 insane workouts. The Insanity challenge starts with dig deeper, Shaun T's fit test. It's a wakeup call that tells you your true fitness level. When you take it again on day 60, you won't believe how far you've come. Then it's time to take on month one. A rotation of five workouts, about 30 minutes a day, including plyometric circuit-- intervals of fat-scorching cardio and intense lower-body plyo. Power & resistance-- strength training to create lean muscle and upper-body definition. Cardio abs-- intervals of cardio and core moves for insane abdominals. Pure cardio. Skip the intervals today. This is nonstop extreme cardio with no rest at all. Recovery. Shaun T. Goes a little easier on you one day a week to let your body recuperate. In month two, you'll be ready to take it to the max with four new workouts including max interval circuit, max cardio conditioning, and max interval plyo. These workouts are a little longer-- about 45 minutes-- but hey, that's a lot faster than a trip to the gym. 60 days of training with Shaun costs over $1,000, but Insanity won't cost you $1,000. Not even close. Because if you call in the next five minutes, you get the entire Insanity fitness program for only three payments of $39.95. Plus, we'll include the Insanity wall calendar that shows you which workouts to do on each day; elite nutrition, the customizable eating plan that fuels your body for 60 days of insane workouts; the Insanity fitness guide that spells out everything you need to know to get you in the best shape of your life; and free online support from Shaun T. And other crazy people like you who are taking the Insanity challenge. Shaun will even send you a bonus workout-- core cardio & balance, with sport-specific drills to make you look and feel like a professional athlete. And don't go insane waiting weeks for your package to arrive. Be one of the first 500 callers to order and get a free upgrade to express delivery. You'll receive Insanity in just five to seven business days. And Insanity comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee. If you don't get fit, send it back, and we'll refund the purchase price. We don't want to rip you off. We want to get you ripped. And check this out. Do Insanity for 60 days, send us your before and after photos, and we'll send you a free Insanity t-shirt. So take the 60-day Insanity challenge. Find out how deep you can dig, how great you can look, and what you're really made of. Call 800-354-4196 now.
Shaun: You can freakin' do it, so work.
What I love is I didn't lift one weight in 60 days and I'm more cut than I've ever been in my life.
Every part of my body transformed into something I'd only dreamed of.
I wanted to see what would happen. I mean, wouldn't you want to see how far you could push your body?