Vaginal Yeast Infection Treatments
No doubt you know about yeast infections and you might have already had one, or you know someone who has one.
They are never a fun thing to go through and especially not when you don't know to treat it.
Going to the doctor can be embarrassing and sometimes even less helpful as they will sometimes prescribe medicine that just won't work for you.
Unfortunately while there are a lot of medications out there that have proven to help fight yeast infections, not all of them work and not for everyone.
This article will discuss different vaginal yeast infection treatments that will work for you.
However when you go to a doctor they will usually give you prescription for something like a cream or a suppository which you can insert into your vagina.
They may also give you oral medication (pills) which you can take to treat it.
These medications most often times contain things like nystatin or butoconazole which are the strongest medications when it comes to fighting a yeast infection.
It's important that when you take these medications you are patient, they sometimes take time to work.
There are also non-prescription ways of treating your vaginal yeast infection.
These forms of medicine include such things as myconazole and clotrimazole which are over-the-counter medications which are fairly inexpensive and easy to find at any local drug or grocery store.
Most of these medications work well with women and some men.
If you go to a doctor they will highly recommend you take their prescribed medication but it isn't the only kind that works.
There are also certain natural home remedies one can use such as applying yogurt with added bacteria on to the affected area in order to fight in the infection.
All of these methods have been proven to work, you just have to find what one works for you.