Learn Street Magic From David Blaine
But ever since David Blaine became a name in the magic scene, his acts were termed as 'street magic'.
He not only pushed the level of endurance further up, but also performed tricks that were out of the ordinary.
It was until recently that famous magicians gave us a peek into their secret world of tricks and skills.
Not all were revealed, but to generate some interest in the acts, some of them were disclosed to the public.
As the name suggest, street magic is performance of magical secrets and skills right on the street.
And the audiences are ordinary people passing by to work or just going shopping.
Frequently, they would stop by to watch the performance that are more like stage shows done without any preparations.
It is also known as impromptu magic.
With time, It has developed into a great source of entertainment making every magician improvise certain skills that can be used to perform street magic.
Using the technique by mastering mentalism, David Blaine has shown levitation on TV.
It was seen by audiences worldwide and they found it supernatural in every way.
He had combined the use of master mentalism, skill and illusion to good effect while performing the act.
It was also termed as Balducci levitation.
In street magic, there can be no cover ups or special effects that are available in stage shows.
Audience just gathers and there are no extra hands or lighting changes that can fool them.
It is difficult, but also easy to learn in quick easy to follow steps.
With some online sites showcasing the magic secrets of greats in the profession like David Blaine, Chris Angel and David Copperfield, lots are known about the way they perform street magic without the help of any 'fooling' aids.
You can learn David Blaine's street magic tricks if you can master mentalism and follow the interviews he has given about his craft.