Who? When? Where And Why?
? Sometime we wonder where we are...
? And sometime life seems so objective...
And sometime it looks so bizarre...
Yes, so bizarre...
Who really you and me are...
? And who are those you can not see with your physical eye...
?! Who? When? Where And why? Ah, many orphans ancient old new questions..
born live And eventually die...
Wanting to know who, where when and why and why? Like Hell and Heaven Which are made in dozens In the mind of many humans for an answer to a really stubborn of a question about God...
and Devil...
Who? When? Where And why? Altawell 8 February, 2008 © Altawell 2008 Who? When? Where And Why?" are questions which we ask ourselves from time to time concerning our lives, our existence and the seen and unseen in our environment and the universe as a whole.
Sometime we may think we know the answer, sometime we admit we do not know.
Those who claims they know the answer, whether they are speaking from religious conviction, spiritual experience or from scientific theories, most of the time their answer (if they can provide an answer) can not cover all the above four questions in the exact details the question strongly insist upon.
Who? When? Where And why? These questions will stay with many people across the globe during their lives time on this planet.
One of the reasons why we join certain groups, sects, various religions and similar affiliations is simply because either we are searching for the truth and/or what we feel that this is where we belong to, or feeling comfortable with or connected with - which may give us the answer to all our questions and/or to provide us of what we need - whether during our present lives or our lives in the after.