Coral Springs Accident Leaves a Man Dead
Recently, there was a tragic example of the dangers of a traffic accident when a semi truck collided with a car in Coral Springs, leaving one man dead. The accident happened when a 64-year-old trucker was delivering a load to a Walmart in Coral Springs. According to police reports, the driver felt a bump and thought that the load in his truck had shifted. However, when he reached his destination, he found damage to the back of his truck. Realizing that he had hit something, he returned to the scene where he found emergency responders tending to the driver of a red Lexus. Police believe that the car hit the back of the tractor trailer, sheered its top completely off, travelled under the back of the truck and into a copse of trees at the side of the road. The driver was pronounced dead at the scene of the accident.
The horrific collision is a jarring reminder to all drivers of the dangers that can lurk on the roads in and around Coral Springs. Often, an accident occurs due to the inattention, negligence, or outright recklessness of a driver. When that happens, and you suffer a serious injury, an accident lawyer in Coral Springs can help to analyze the accident and your injuries so that you can obtain the legal counsel you need in order to choose from among the legal options available to you.
If your accident lawyer determines that pursuing a personal injury lawsuit is in your best interest, you can rest assured that your lawyer will completely investigate your accident to determine all who may have been responsible for your injuries and will then work assiduously to try to help you obtain any and all remuneration to which you may be eligible. Your accident lawyer in Coral Springs will have the experience and knowledge that you need to get whatever help you may deserve.
When a motor vehicle accident means that you are enduring pain and suffering, a lawyer who serves the Coral Springs area can help you to pursue whatever justice you may have thus far been denied. Your accident lawyer will make sure that your rights are upheld in and out of the courtroom. Contact an accident lawyer in the Coral Springs area today.