Top 10 Things That Might Help Protect You Against Urinary Tract Infections
However, some women are literally plagued by UTI's without obvious reasons for developing them.
A woman's shorter compared to male's urethra creates a favorable scenario for bacteria accessing the bladder itself and triggering a urinary tract infection.
Pregnancy is another predisposing factor for women getting more UTI's due to increased levels of hormones and a growing abdomen pushing down on the bladder and urethra.
This Top 10 guide will outline the most common things that might reduce the number of UTI incidences and help you feel better in the long run.
Dehydration results in dark yellow urine with strong and offensive odor.
Make a habit of drinking plenty of purified water and herbal teas throughout the day to help keep your urine a pale straw color.
If your urine is constantly concentrated, you have a higher chance of getting a bout of an UTI.
Consuming diuretic foods like watermelon, cranberries, cucumbers, parsley and asparagus is sure to flush toxins out of your body to help keep your kidneys, bladder and urinary tract healthy warding off cloudy urine causes.
There's a strong correlation between pregnancy and cloudy urine that can subsequently lead to urinary tract infections.
Take frequent bathroom breaks to avoid stagnant urine that can become breeding ground for bacterial growth.
The best piece of advice for a young woman that may help her avoid recurring UTI's is to urinate after having a sexual intercourse.
This will help wash away all bacteria that might have entered urinary tract with sexual activity.
Promptly change from a wet swimming suit to a dry one, since wearing a wet bikini even in a hot weather can lower body's immune response and trigger a urinary tract infection.
Certain acidic or spicy foods like radishes, lemons, raw onions, garlic, mustard and horseradish can significantly irritate bladder and make it vulnerable against developing UTI's.
Alcohol is considered a strong irritant and stimulant that can be too taxing for urinary system organs previously weakened by repeat bouts of inflammation.
Your favorite pair of thongs may be the culprit for transferring fecal bacteria from the anus area towards your genitals making it possible to trigger a urinary tract infection.
Additionally, take care to wipe from front to back to keep urinary tract opening free of contaminants.
Try not to use any scented personal hygiene products like pads, wipes or douche sprays since the chemicals and perfumes that most of these products contain can irritate delicate area and subsequently lead to inflammation.
Raise your body's immune response to protect it against chronic bouts of urinary tract infections by taking cranberry and vitamin C supplements that are very well known for their beneficial properties.