How To Approach A Girl You Like?
The first step is always the hardest but not as daunting or intimidating as you imagine.
The dating feeling always encourages you to move a step further if you are really attracted and fond of a girl.
If you have not yet had the chance to get in touch with the materials, here are simple ways to help you get rid of the nerves.
Keep in mind that you always want to keep your first approach simple and don't behave like a guy only wanting sex from her.
The first approach is very important, unless you are a smooth talker with the gift of grab, most of time you are just a regular guy who expects to be lucky and bump into a woman, otherwise you should have a girl already and a search won't help here.
Choose the right time Choose the right time is the first step to introducing yourself to her or at least let her get the sense that you are interested in her.
Such as at a function or a friend's party, she is in the crowd, you need to keep an eye on her and find your opening moment.
You must always behave with patience and avoid seeming hungry for a girl, you will find a moment to say a simple word, "hello".
Prepare words to say to her Once you have a chance and the situation seems reasonably appropriate, steel away your nerves and get your words ready and behave like a gentleman.
Don't have too high expectations from your first step.
Remember, you are just a fish in the ocean.
If the girl hints to you that she has no interest in you, don't take it to seriously, move forward.
There is only one thing you can do at this stage and that is to observe her reaction to your words.
Girls are sensitive to the words from men; they can sense what you really want to hint to them.
Greetings Once you have the words in your mind, walk over to her and greet her.
In the meantime, keep your eyes on her and concentrate on how she reacts to your greeting.
This step is not as hard as you might expect, it is a merely chance to open your mouth to say those prepared words to her with confidence.
Relax Approaching a girl is not a life and death matter.
Understandably it is an anxious experience to get involved in such an inducing situation.
No matter how beautiful and attractive she is, she is just one of a billion females on this planet.
Everyone has an embarrassing moment in their life.
Be relaxed and take it easy if she shoots you down.
Take a deep breath and gain sufficient oxygen into your brain, don't faint, always remind and encourage yourself to have a relaxing mood rather than stressful.
The dating feeling always makes your body produce exciting chemistry.
The outcome might pay off.
Those tips can be used by any guy that finds it hard to approach a girl.
The first impressive image is the key factor to get to the finish line to start real dating.
I wish you all the best with your desired girl soon.