Can We Actually Feel Better Though Our Diet for Menopause?
It is a diet that does not add extra, to your already growing waist line, due to hormonal changes and the stress on your body.
This is a diet that gives you soft supple skin, energy and shiny eyes.
It is a diet that makes you feel so good, you will want to get up out of your chair and move, and bend, stretch and walk.
Whole foods fill you up, are packed with great vitamins and minerals, and they are very low in calories.
These are natural, raw, real foods with names like sweet potato, avocado, spinach, almond, and cucumber.
Another foreign sounding thing to consider is water.
Clean, pure, body craving water.
When you decide to start eating healthier, your headaches and constipation are better.
And you didn't even know how bad you felt, until you started to feel better.
So now you have decided to consider you diet for menopause.
This diet involves whole fresh foods and lots of water.
What does this change eliminate? It eliminates that sluggish, sleeping feeling you get from eating frozen, processed.
diet meals.
The headaches, anxiety and constipation diminish because you are no longer downing fried, fast foods.
The dull skin, puffy eyes and expanding waist line from dairy laden pizza, mac and cheese and drive through food is a thing of the past.
And the wrinkles and depression from diet pop, sugary coffee drinks and lack of water are not so noticeable.
Sometimes it is more about what you don't eat, than what you do eat, that matters and makes a difference.
Whole foods fill you up, are packed with great vitamins and minerals, and they are very low in calories.
Sounds like a win-win thing to consider.
Where do you start? Start at the beginning and go from there.
See if you feel better.
Substitute a vegetable or salad for French fries.
This is a conscious start.
Think about what to put in your body that is healthy.
You body needs to last another 30-50 years.
Help it as much as you can, so you can feel really well, as you age.
Order "just water, please" instead of a medium soda.
This is so simple, and less expensive.
Our body is 90% water.
Everything in it fires and runs and blinks on water.
Give your body what it craves.
Consider fresh juice instead of a pastry at snack, Not processed orange or apple juice, which contains a ton of sugar, but 'made from scratch' juice.
The best thing about juice is it tastes amazing.
I love a glass of juice made from: supergreens and water, green grapes and green apples, cucumbers and spinach.
It's so fresh, and light and tart and delicious.
Juice is seriously good, and good for us.
Juice is also packed with nutrients; it is filling, and is really, really low in calories.
Little changes make big differences.
You may feel run down, sluggish and yucky because of what you ate.
Consideration of the fuel you put in our mouth is important.
Adding healthier choices is a consideration when it comes to your diet for menopause.