The Symptoms Of Cervical Cancer
Cervical cancer is another form of uterine cancer.
It begins in the cells on the surface of the cervix, either on the lower part, or in the upper part of the cervix.
It is a slow-growing and malignant cancer.
(Malignant simply means that it spreads).
The cervix is the connector that connects the uterus to the birth canal, and is actually a part of the uterus.
Cervical cancer is usually the result of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is spread through sexual contact.
The virus can survive in the body for many years before it causes cancer, and in some cases the cancer never develops.
A new vaccine is available to stop the virus, and medical professionals are encouraging young girls and women to get the vaccine.
The claim is that by the year 2022 cervical cancers will be reduced due to the vaccine.
But the vaccine is still to new, to know about all the possible long-term side-effects it will cause.
The best way to be on guard against this cancer is to build up the immune system and eliminate as many risk factors as possible.
Those at highest risk for developing this cancer are young girls who became sexually active before the age of 18, and those who have, or have had numerous partners.
Those who smoke, use birth control pill, condoms and tampons are also at a higher risk.
The symptoms of cervical cancer may not appear until the later stages of the cancer, but pre-cancerous cells can be detected with a pap test.
The following symptoms may occur in the more advanced stages of cervical cancer.
- Bleeding in between periods, or after menopause.
This can be heavy or light bleeding.
- Pelvic pains which can be dull or sharp pains, and can last for hours.
- A vaginal discharge may also occur, and may be foul smelling, thick, and may contain mucus or blood.
- Leaking of urine or feces from vagina.
- Bleeding after intercourse.
- Pain during intercourse.
- Pain or heavy bleeding while menstruating.
- Pain during urinating can occur if cancer has spread to the bladder.
- Loss of appetite, which can lead to weight loss.
Other symptoms may include fatigue, back pain, leg pain, a single swollen leg, and easy fracturing of the bones.
Treatments are available; one can choose either conventional treatments which consist of chemo, radiation and surgery, or, one can choose to be healed naturally using Chinese medicines, or herbs.
It begins in the cells on the surface of the cervix, either on the lower part, or in the upper part of the cervix.
It is a slow-growing and malignant cancer.
(Malignant simply means that it spreads).
The cervix is the connector that connects the uterus to the birth canal, and is actually a part of the uterus.
Cervical cancer is usually the result of the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is spread through sexual contact.
The virus can survive in the body for many years before it causes cancer, and in some cases the cancer never develops.
A new vaccine is available to stop the virus, and medical professionals are encouraging young girls and women to get the vaccine.
The claim is that by the year 2022 cervical cancers will be reduced due to the vaccine.
But the vaccine is still to new, to know about all the possible long-term side-effects it will cause.
The best way to be on guard against this cancer is to build up the immune system and eliminate as many risk factors as possible.
Those at highest risk for developing this cancer are young girls who became sexually active before the age of 18, and those who have, or have had numerous partners.
Those who smoke, use birth control pill, condoms and tampons are also at a higher risk.
The symptoms of cervical cancer may not appear until the later stages of the cancer, but pre-cancerous cells can be detected with a pap test.
The following symptoms may occur in the more advanced stages of cervical cancer.
- Bleeding in between periods, or after menopause.
This can be heavy or light bleeding.
- Pelvic pains which can be dull or sharp pains, and can last for hours.
- A vaginal discharge may also occur, and may be foul smelling, thick, and may contain mucus or blood.
- Leaking of urine or feces from vagina.
- Bleeding after intercourse.
- Pain during intercourse.
- Pain or heavy bleeding while menstruating.
- Pain during urinating can occur if cancer has spread to the bladder.
- Loss of appetite, which can lead to weight loss.
Other symptoms may include fatigue, back pain, leg pain, a single swollen leg, and easy fracturing of the bones.
Treatments are available; one can choose either conventional treatments which consist of chemo, radiation and surgery, or, one can choose to be healed naturally using Chinese medicines, or herbs.