Airline Travel Packing Tips
- A few packing tips can help your journey go more smoothly.bon voyage image by Ewe Degiampietro from
Packing for airline travel is more complicated than simply throwing all of your desired belongings into a suitcase and taking it to the airport. Airlines have specific rules and regulations regarding what you may pack in your checked luggage as well as your carry-on bag or bags. Depending on the airline, you may need to pay a fee to check even a single bag. - Include two days' worth of clothes in your carry-on bag along with a toothbrush, travel-sized toothpaste and any other items you need daily, in the instance your checked baggage is lost. These might include travel-sized contact lens solution, a comb or brush and makeup.
- Pack all of the clothes and items you want to take, then put on your backpack, pick up your suitcase or suitcases, and walk around the block. If you have difficulty doing this, try to lighten your load by leaving some items behind. If you are packing for a long trip, remember that you will almost certainly have access to laundry facilities at some point, so you do not need to pack enough clothes to last you the entire trip. If you leave some room in your suitcase, you will be able to bring home souvenirs without checking another bag.
- Pack items that serve two or more purposes, if possible. For example, a pair of dark wash jeans with a basic shirt can work well for daily wear, while those same jeans with a fancy shirt and heels work perfectly if you're going out on the town for the night. Choose clothing items that all go together fairly well rather than planning specific outfits. This will allow you to take fewer pieces.
- Many airlines have strict limits regarding the size, weight and number of pieces of luggage you are allowed to check and bring on the plane. Most airlines allow you to have two carry-on items: one piece of carry-on luggage within a certain size and one personal item (such as a purse or laptop case). This policy varies from airline to airline, however. Policies for checked bags vary even more widely; you may be able to check three bags for free, or you may pay $30 or more to check your first bag. Weight and size specifications vary from airline to airline and even route to route. Pack according to the rules for your airline and flight to avoid needing to re-pack or even discard items at the airport.
- The Transportation Security Administration forbids certain items in your checked baggage, your carry-on bags or both. You may include box cutters, golf clubs and drills in your checked baggage but not your carry-on, for example. On the other hand, you may only carry a lighter in your carry-on and not your checked baggage. You may not include explosives, gasoline, liquid bleach or many other items in either your carry-on or your checked baggage. Check the Transportation Security Administration's list of prohibited items for more details.