Why Hasn't the IRS Accepted My Income Taxes?
- The IRS has a master file containing your personal information, such as Social Security number and birthdate, as received on prior year tax returns. Your current return must contain the same information when filed, otherwise the electronic or paper return submission will not be accepted by the IRS. You can contact the IRS if you were using the wrong Social Security number or birthdate on previous returns to correct the issue. A person who filed his taxes before you and used your Social Security number on accident can result in the rejection of your return if his return was accepted.
- An incomplete form can result in a delay or rejection of your return. Filing your return through an online service or tax software may result in the program warning you about an incomplete form, and you must double-check paper forms before mailing to make sure all forms are complete.
- A dependent for tax purposes, such as a child or immediate relative you care for and have the right to claim on your tax return under IRS regulations, can only be claimed by one taxpayer per year. Should another taxpayer who claimed the same person file before you, your return will not be accepted by the IRS. You can dispute the claiming of your dependent by another person by filing a return in dispute. You must file on paper, attach an explanation and submit supporting documentation to the IRS.
- Incorrect amounts on your W-2 forms can result in a rejection of your return. The employer's Employer Identification Number must match the number contained in the IRS database. You can contact your employer for a corrected W-2 form if you encounter filing problems due to the form's information.