How to Get Over Your Ex Girlfriend - Tunes to Help You Move On
They say "music can soothe the savage beast", but it can also soothe a broken heart. In fact, let's try something: put yourself into the song, be the character in the lyrics. It's possible that not only will it soothe your broken heart; you might find it easier to get over your ex as well.
Last Christmas (Wham!)
"Last Christmas I gave you my heart but the very next day, you gave it away. This year, to save me from tears, I'll give it to someone special"
Typical, to give your heart to someone only to realize it's not important to him. The "she found someone else" situation is a very common thing in breakups. Upon knowing that she's that of girl, easily distracted or has loyalty issues, do you still want to get your ex back?
Over You (Daughtry)
"Packed your bags and walked away, there was nothing I could say. And when you slammed the front door shut, a lot of others opened up. So did my eyes so I could see that you never were the best for me"
Realizing that sometimes some things are not meant to be is big step of moving on. If your ex was insensitive, always taking you for granted and can't be trusted then she's certainly not best for you. You deserve better than that.
Cry Me a River (Justin Timberlake)
"You don't have to say what you did, I already know, I found out from him. Now there's just no chance, for you and me, there'll never be"
Unfaithfulness or infidelity is a crime in a relationship. It's one of the hardest things to forgive. It's unbearable if your ex was unfaithful to you. Trust is ruined, yet forgiveness is still a must. You can't have peace of mind if you're eternally angry with your ex. As hard as it is, try to let go of past grudges.
Two Beds and a Coffee Machine (Savage Garden)
"Another ditch in the road, you keep moving. Another stop sign, you keep moving on. And the years go by so fast, wonder how I ever made it through"
Just keep moving on, leave behind the heartaches and pains. You'll be plagued with memories. To heal a broken heart, you have to let go of all negativity and forgive your ex. It's difficult, but it will be worthwhile in the end.