Top 3 Tips On How to Get Rid of Yeast Infection Naturally
Yeast infection sufferers are increasingly turning to natural home remedies to beat their infections.
There are a number of reasons for this, mostly centering around the negative aspects of drug-based medications.
Here, you'll find out what these are, plus, 3 simple tips on how to get rid of yeast infection totally naturally.
An infection is caused when a naturally occurring fungus in our bodies, called 'Candida albicans,' over-grows to such an extent that it causes the infection.
This is a yeast-like fungus, and so the name 'yeast infection,' although it is also known by Candida and Candidiasis.
Why don't we all have a Candida infection all the time then? Well, your body's beneficial bacteria normally keeps the fungus in check, and stops it from over-growing.
Unfortunately, sometimes these bacteria become compromised and so cannot do their job properly.
And when this happens, you get Candida.
The kind of underlying issues that can cause this to happen are things such as; antibiotics overuse, steroids, stress, diabetes, contraception, compromised immune system, and more.
So these are important issues that must be addressed when treating your infection.
Typical symptoms of yeast infection are; redness and swelling around the vulva, pain when peeing, thickish white discharge, severe itching, etc.
Mainstream medications that you get over-the-counter, or through prescription by your doctor, tend just to address the symptoms, not the root causes as outlined above.
And they can have severe side effects for some people.
Finally, because they don't address these underlying issues, many women suffer recurring infections that seem to get worse and worse.
This is because the fungus can become drug-resistant due to overuse.
So here are 3 top natural tips on how to get rid of yeast infection naturally, that more and more women (and men) are using to help beat their condition...
Wear Only Loose-Fitting Breathable Underwear This is essential because man-made fibre underwear traps heat and moisture.
These are the kind of conditions that the fungus adores.
So wear cotton wherever possible.
And change often.
Use Garlic's Antifungal Properties Garlic has great antifungal properties.
By consuming garlic everyday you are helping to keep the Candida albicans in your gut in check.
And you can actually use a peeled whole garlic clove as a tampon.
Insert and leave in overnight to attack the fungus there.
Use Natural Yogurt to Boost Your Friendly Bacteria Natural yogurt contains Lactobacillus acidophilus which is a beneficial bacteria that fights the candida fungus.
It should say something like "contains active, live cultures" on the tub.
Once again you can eat it and use it topically.
Eating is obvious, but you can also apply it over a tampon and insert overnight.
Repeat until the symptoms have gone.
So there you have it, 3 simple tips on how to get rid of a yeast infection naturally, not a drug in sight! But these are just three; there are many natural ways to get rid of Candida.
And sometimes, what works for one might not work so well for another.
Plus, there are all the other underlying issues to consider.
Which is why so many women suffer from recurring yeast infections that make their life hell.