Sleep Tips For the Wide Awake
Getting to sleep and staying there will affect most of us at some stage in life.
Our emotions can cause stress and worrying about your lack of sleep will only compound the problem the more you worry about it the worse it will get.
Try not to eat dinner too late at night as a heavy meal will only cause your body to work hard instead of relaxing and recuperating.
Make your coffee at lunch time your last one as caffeine can effect your ability to fall asleep.
While you may think that alcohol will help you fall asleep and in most cases it will it can also be reason you wake later on.
A bath before bed will warm you and ease the tension in your muscles.
Sandalwood oil sprinkled onto your pillow case can calm your senses and slow your mind.
Turn the television off half an hour before retiring for the night and keep the lights low.
Keep your bedroom for sleeping only.
If you do wake, don't just lay there it will only make it worse and will change your sleep patterns.
Resist the urge to turn the light on and read as you will reinforce bad habits, physically get up and get a soothing glass of warm milk or nibble on a piece of banana.
Studies have shown that bananas contain tryptophan an amino acid that our bodies convert into seratonin; a brain chemical that helps us to feel calm and induce sleep.
If you have a serious sleep deficit remember that sleep is cumulative and if you get to sleep in on weekends you will 'catch up' and you can build up your sleep bank.