The 10 Biggest Mistakes Guys Make With Women! Trust Me, You Don"t Want to Do These Blunders!
In fact, you should avoid these 10 BIG mistakes with women, at ALL costs: #1: Revealing Feelings too early- Most women would think you are desperate when you do this, but it's a huge turn off, because it shows her you have huge expectations of her, especially if you pull the "I love you" too soon.
#2: Being a pleaser- This means you literally do anything she wants or says, because you want to please her, and fear being rejected.
Women do not find this attractive, because you handing her all the power.
#3: Showing Off - Women don't need to be impressed with physical things as much as they want to be emotionally impressed by who you are as a person on the inside.
She will just feel like you are trying too hard.
#4: Low self esteem - No one wants to be with someone who thinks they are a loser, or thinks they are ugly etc...
Make her realize that she deserves you by having a great self esteem, rather than making her dislike you for a low self esteem.
#5: Chivalry - Women see this as overcompensating, and will presume you are a hollow shell, and that is why you are so chivalrous.
Like showing off, she will think you are overcompensating for something you are lacking, and will think you are trying to buy her.
#6: Complaining - About your job, or your life.
It just tells her that you don't take action to change anything and would rather just complain.
It's not attractive to sit and listen to someone constantly complaining, it's really just a drag.
#7: Suggestive Laziness - This comes alongside complaining, wherein you say you dislike something, but really haven't done anything to change it.
Or you say you have dreams, but you have not reached any of them yet, such as in with your work, education etc...
It just tells her you are lazy.
#8: Online dating is for losers and loners- Women do use online dating, and quite a large percent of women do these days, you could inadvertently insult her without knowing it, so never say this.
#9: Lowering Standards - This means that you wanted something, but changed your standards to suit her.
A man who changes his standards to suit women is not attractive to any WOMAN, because it shows her that you have no self control.
#10: Desperation and Easiness - This is when you chase her around like crazy and put her so high up on a pedestal, that if she said "jump" you would say "how high".
Don't allow yourself to become desperate or be too easy for her.