Turn Your Faith Journey Into a Faith Career - (10) Focus on Your Message

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Jesus' journey from young scripture student to the man who stood before Pontius Pilate for judgement is a straight and narrow road.
As you will by now be aware, if you have been following these articles closely, that our faith journey requires focus and discipline.
No matter what was thrown at him, Jesus never lost sight of his purpose.
His message was simple: to bring salvation to all men.
His methods were clear; love and compassion, meekness in the face of his enemies.
There were many who would have wished him to show anger when he showed capitulation, taken up arms when he showed the other cheek, or to have burst from the crucifixion cross in a blaze of light, instead of dying and being carried to the tomb.
Always his Father's plan, not his own glory, was at the forefront of his thoughts.
Often Christians become sidetracked.
They become caught up with self-righteousness, or anger at some minor cause or issue.
They protest against this and that, sometimes aggressively.
They pick on minority groups and debate issues that have no bearing on the salvation plan.
In other words, they lose sight of the message.
The message has not changed.
It is nothing less than the resurrection of man.
Our role in that is simple; to be beacons, to set an example, to give testimony.
As Christians we will not set a good example if we become embroiled in terror tactics.
Be meek, turn the other cheek, and stay focused on the message, that Jesus is for everyone, not just a few.
The apostle Paul who suffered much persecution in his mission for the body of Christ, was able to say: "My purpose is that they (the church) may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding..
the mystery of God..
in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.
" (Col 2, vv2-3) This is every Christian's purpose and the walk of faith we have been discussing leads to nothing less than the treasures described by Paul.
Focus on this at every stage of your journey and you will grow in stature with every day that passes.
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