Quick Tips About Where Bed Bugs Come From
When bed bugs start showing up one of the first things people ask is, "Where do bed bugs come from?" It's a good question and a natural one to ask, but perhaps a more important one is, "Why Do They Spread So Fast?"
Where they come from is important, but how they get from point A to point B is perhaps more important because if you understand their mode of travel, you can take the proper steps to prevent bed bugs from ending up in you home and ultimately your bed.
It is thought that before they began seeking out human beings as hosts for their blood meals, they lived in caves and fed on the bats inside the caves. As human beings began using these caves as shelter as well they began to feed off their human hosts.
Since bed bugs generally stay within 10-15 feet of their host they likely began hiding near humans during the day. It's probable that they hid in the bedding.
Note - the word host here means the source of blood meals, typically humans, sometimes other mammals.
As humans moved from place to place they took these pests with them. Bed bugs are notorious hitchhikers and easily cling to clothing, bags, and other items in close proximity to people.
Why They Spread So Fast
In today's day and age not much has changed in regards to how these blood-sucking pests get around. They get a ride with humans on their clothing, luggage and other items close to where people are living.
They have even been found in retail outlets like Nike, Abercrombie & Fitch, and Victoria's Secret. It's not know if the bed bugs hitched a ride on customers visiting the stores or maybe came in with a shipment, but it's clear that they travel with ease.
In modern times one of the ways that they are quickly spreading around the world is by luggage...
So how do they get on the luggage? Here's a common scenario, let's say you happen to stay at a hotel with an infestation. Instead of using the metal luggage racks provide in the room to set your luggage on, you toss it on the bed and go out for a bite to eat. Bed bugs make their way in/on the luggage and you bring them home with you after your trip.
What do you do after you get home?
Maybe you take your clothes out of the luggage and wash them and then put your suitcase away.
Where do you store your suitcase?
I don't know maybe under the bed, perhaps in the closet. Either way, you've just allowed bed bugs to enter your home. Now they will begin breeding, hiding and please forgive me for saying it, but feeding on you at night.
As you can see bed bugs can be transported extremely easily around the world and most people aren't sure what steps to take to prevent them from entering their home. Hopefully you've learned a few things to ensure you don't give 'rides' to these 'hitchhikers' without knowing it.