How to Draw Cartoon Characters Using Sticks
- 1). Draw a circle. The more perfect you can get it, the better. This is the head of the figure.
- 2). From the bottom of the circle, draw a line straight down. This line represents the torso.
- 3). Draw lines out from the torso for arms. They can be the same on each side, or you can point them in opposite directions, make one bend at the elbow, and so on. Be creative.
- 4). To make legs, draw two lines outward from the bottom of the torso line. The legs should look like an upside-down "V" connecting with the bottom of the torso line.
- 5). Embellish the stick figure with facial features: two dots for eyes, and a mouth shape of your choosing (frown, smile, squiggly line and the like). You may also add hands (small circles on the ends of the arm lines), feet (ovals on the leg lines), and different styles of hair.