Can Honesty Be Your Cure?
I have a friend who recently started complaining about persistent insomnia.
He also persistently believed it was caused by weather changes, heavy food, uncomfortable pillows, etc.
Then I asked him, just for fun, to put down all the things that were currently not working in his life or that bothered him on some level.
He did the list, brought it to me - and oh boy, was it long! He walked around with this long list in his head, not knowing it was so long and not realizing how much certain points on the list frustrated him - until his body decided to take over and send a message that something was very, very wrong.
Needless to say, just making the list has helped my friend gain more clarity.
And by starting to tackle one issue after another (always starting with the smallest and easily fixable issues first) he has regained his restful nights.
The lesson here is not about lists and sleepless nights.
The issue here is honesty and how much we are using it when evaluating or thinking about our lives.
How many excuses do you use to hide the obvious facts? How many lies do you feed yourself on a daily basis? How often are your feelings spot-on but you decide to listen to your "brain voice" instead? By incorporating honesty into your daily actions towards yourself, you will gain many valuable insights.
Not only about who you are but about who you really want to be.
If you want to be happy, positive, full of energy (and have a good night's sleep!), start asking some relevant questions and answering them honestly.
This would be a great beginning, followed by, hopefully, some even more relevant action.
Natalie Ekberg is an international personal and executive coach and offers self-improving, motivational and coaching e-courses and e-books as well as face to face or telephone coaching.
He also persistently believed it was caused by weather changes, heavy food, uncomfortable pillows, etc.
Then I asked him, just for fun, to put down all the things that were currently not working in his life or that bothered him on some level.
He did the list, brought it to me - and oh boy, was it long! He walked around with this long list in his head, not knowing it was so long and not realizing how much certain points on the list frustrated him - until his body decided to take over and send a message that something was very, very wrong.
Needless to say, just making the list has helped my friend gain more clarity.
And by starting to tackle one issue after another (always starting with the smallest and easily fixable issues first) he has regained his restful nights.
The lesson here is not about lists and sleepless nights.
The issue here is honesty and how much we are using it when evaluating or thinking about our lives.
How many excuses do you use to hide the obvious facts? How many lies do you feed yourself on a daily basis? How often are your feelings spot-on but you decide to listen to your "brain voice" instead? By incorporating honesty into your daily actions towards yourself, you will gain many valuable insights.
Not only about who you are but about who you really want to be.
If you want to be happy, positive, full of energy (and have a good night's sleep!), start asking some relevant questions and answering them honestly.
This would be a great beginning, followed by, hopefully, some even more relevant action.
Natalie Ekberg is an international personal and executive coach and offers self-improving, motivational and coaching e-courses and e-books as well as face to face or telephone coaching.