IVA: A Solution for Unsecured Debts
There are several available solutions that you could try.
Many of these could effectively reduce the burden of the debts.
However, if you are already in a position that you could no longer repay the creditors according to the schedule and amount that they imposed, it is best that you try IVA Individual Voluntary Arrangement.
Through IVA, you just may be able to free yourself from debt problem that has been bothering you.
IVA is a solution you could apply though only if you are based in England or Wales.
Apparently, this scheme is not available in other countries.
There may be similar arrangements but it is only in England and Wales that this is called IVA.
You could not undergo this process though if your debt does not reach £ 15,000 or more.
Once you have acquired this arrangement, you would have to wait for 5 years or about 60 months before this is completed.
Of course, this timeframe really depends on whether you are also faithful to the schedule of payments.
The good thing about IVA is that it is actually a result of legislation.
This means that there is actually a law that mandates the creditors to agree with this process and to help in reaching arrangements.
This means that you no longer have to beg the creditor to negotiate with you on this matter.
However, before you could process this, you would also have to find an insolvency practitioner or an IP.
It is the IP that would actually determine your financial capacity.
This means that his findings would become the basis for the IVA, which would deal with the amount and schedule of payments that are based on your actual capacity.
Many people mistake IVA for bankruptcy, which is the reason why they decide against it.
The only thing that makes IVA similar to bankruptcy is that it deals with debts that could no longer be paid.
Other than this, however, it is totally different.
For one, it is possible that only those directly involved with the debts are the people that would know about this.
Unlike bankruptcy, you do not have to make an announcement of your status to the public.
In bankruptcy, you could be compelled to sell your properties just to repay your debts.
This does not happen in IVA.
It is clear that IVA as a solution to unsecured debts could be a wise option.
Of course, this does not mean that you could afford to make your debt problems worse because you have IVA to resort to.
As much as possible, you should still try to avoid late payments and other delinquent attitudes to debts.
However, no matter how hard you may try to do so, there could be some circumstances that make IVA unavoidable.
However, you should take comfort in the fact that IVA is better than declaring bankruptcy.