Use of Psychology in Day Trading
Despite the fact that all traders know this, many still can find good ways to counteract their losses.
The main reason for losing is said to be the lack of right psychological preparation - that is they only see the good parts of trading and fail to acknowledge the bad sides thus falling short on creating a proper set-up in case they begin to lose their stocks.
Trading is a psychological endeavor as much as it is a methodological one.
Before a trader becomes fully successful in it, he should first realize the psychological battles happening in the trade.
Without fully understanding the issues surrounding the trading psychology, one won't be able to get around the common problems which normally only call for simple responses.
Included in these are the emotional burdens of not being able to get into the winning trade, the fear of losing the shares, the despair a trader faces when the trend is not going his way and the confusion that always pushes the person to decide quickly while his money is at risk.
There are a number of ways where in psychology could be an effective tool in improving the trading style.
For example, constructive mind conditioning could go a long way for many traders who are beginning to doubt whether or not they will be successful in the trade.
This also works for people who need to revamp their self-concept while trading.
Labeling is among the many psychological problems that traders suffer.
Experiencing a streak of bad luck could lead someone to talk to himself in a very harsh manner.
Labels like "I am an idiot, I never make things right" or "I am so stupid, why did I have to make that decision?" will normally make it harder for the trader to think more constructively and clear his mind of negative thoughts.
Another is the unrealistic expectation regarding the trade.
People, who consider day trading for its appeal of profitability, have very unrealistic ideas which make things unnecessarily frustrating.
For example, they are lured to the business because an advertisement said that they could earn $35,000 in just 2 weeks.
Theoretically, this is possible however it is only feasible to some extent.
Being able to understand the psychological make-up of trading would automatically set the thinking of the would-be investor on the realistic level of expectations.