Signs and Symptoms Of Skin Allergy
A fairly common reaction when exposed to an allergen is to have a rash break out.
These skin allergy symptoms are almost always the result of an allergic reaction so if you can treat the allergy you can avoid the discomfort.
There are actually a few different types of rashes that you might encounter if you have an allergic reaction.
Knowing the difference can help you determine what it is causing the reaction.
The most common skin allergy symptom is eczema; this is a red rash that is often accompanied by flaking or oozing of the skin.
Eczema is actually a skin condition that comes and goes with outbreaks often being caused by an allergic reaction rather than an allergy in itself.
Most people with eczema develop it as small children although in some cases it can first appear in adulthood.
An outbreak of eczema can occur on anywhere on the body but it most commonly appears in the areas that are most frequently scratched.
For adults that would be the back of the knees, the elbows and on the cheeks.
In babies it is usually the face and the chest.
Clearly scratching will cause an increase in eczema.
The other most common skin allergy symptom is hives.
Hives are raised red bumps and they are usually very itchy.
Unlike eczema hives is caused directly by an allergic reaction.
It can occur anywhere from a few minutes to several hours after exposure to the allergen.
In most cases the hives will last only a short time.
In some cases as short as a few minutes, in most cases it will be more like a few hours.
Occasionally hives will be accompanied by swelling, usually of the hands, feet or eyes.
This usually causes a tingling feeling and it might burn.
In rare cases the swelling may be serious enough to interfere with your ability to breathe.
If this happens you will need to seek medical help immediately.
Another skin allergy symptom that you will likely encounter is contact dermatitis.
In a lot of ways this will look like eczema it will be red and often ooze or flake.
The difference it that contact dermatitis is caused by direct contact with the skin.
Eczema is usually caused by ingesting the allergen.
Usually if you have contact dermatitis it will only be in the area where the contact was actually made, although you may spread it around by scratching since this can cause the allergen to spread.
If you have skin allergy symptoms you are probably going to want to talk to your doctor about what you can do to relieve the itch.
Normally this will be done with a topical cream.
You will probably also want to have him deliver an allergy test so that you can determine what it is that caused the reaction.
It can often be very difficult to figure out what the cause was because the skin allergy symptoms may not appear for several hours after exposure.
Find more tips about: Skin Allergy Symptoms
These skin allergy symptoms are almost always the result of an allergic reaction so if you can treat the allergy you can avoid the discomfort.
There are actually a few different types of rashes that you might encounter if you have an allergic reaction.
Knowing the difference can help you determine what it is causing the reaction.
The most common skin allergy symptom is eczema; this is a red rash that is often accompanied by flaking or oozing of the skin.
Eczema is actually a skin condition that comes and goes with outbreaks often being caused by an allergic reaction rather than an allergy in itself.
Most people with eczema develop it as small children although in some cases it can first appear in adulthood.
An outbreak of eczema can occur on anywhere on the body but it most commonly appears in the areas that are most frequently scratched.
For adults that would be the back of the knees, the elbows and on the cheeks.
In babies it is usually the face and the chest.
Clearly scratching will cause an increase in eczema.
The other most common skin allergy symptom is hives.
Hives are raised red bumps and they are usually very itchy.
Unlike eczema hives is caused directly by an allergic reaction.
It can occur anywhere from a few minutes to several hours after exposure to the allergen.
In most cases the hives will last only a short time.
In some cases as short as a few minutes, in most cases it will be more like a few hours.
Occasionally hives will be accompanied by swelling, usually of the hands, feet or eyes.
This usually causes a tingling feeling and it might burn.
In rare cases the swelling may be serious enough to interfere with your ability to breathe.
If this happens you will need to seek medical help immediately.
Another skin allergy symptom that you will likely encounter is contact dermatitis.
In a lot of ways this will look like eczema it will be red and often ooze or flake.
The difference it that contact dermatitis is caused by direct contact with the skin.
Eczema is usually caused by ingesting the allergen.
Usually if you have contact dermatitis it will only be in the area where the contact was actually made, although you may spread it around by scratching since this can cause the allergen to spread.
If you have skin allergy symptoms you are probably going to want to talk to your doctor about what you can do to relieve the itch.
Normally this will be done with a topical cream.
You will probably also want to have him deliver an allergy test so that you can determine what it is that caused the reaction.
It can often be very difficult to figure out what the cause was because the skin allergy symptoms may not appear for several hours after exposure.
Find more tips about: Skin Allergy Symptoms