Soccer Scholarship Programs
- A number of colleges offer soccer scholarships through NCAA. The NCAA allows Division I colleges to offer 9.9 scholarships to men and 14 scholarships to women. Division II colleges offer 9 scholarships for men and 9.9 scholarships for women. There are 204 Division I and 181 Division II colleges offering soccer for men and 322 Division I and 228 Division II colleges offering soccer to women. Between these colleges, there are thousands of NCAA scholarships available to talented athletes. Since soccer is an equivalency sport, college coaches have the freedom to divide a scholarship between several players.
- The level of competition at college is very high, so to qualify for NCAA scholarships, you must be well prepared. Being a member of one of the many soccer clubs can help open many doors. Club membership also allows you to get involved with the Olympic Development Program (ODP), which is important for getting college scholarships since the majority of players have some experience with the program. The ODP is also good exposure for players and can help you excel in the sport.
- Besides NCAA, many local clubs and organizations also sponsor soccer scholarships. The scholarship amounts can range from a few hundred dollars to the entire tuition fees. Also, many colleges offer their own athletic scholarships besides the NCAA-sponsored scholarships. Ask your club about any available in scholarships.
- Although there are hundreds of available soccer scholarships, you need to be really good at your game and apply aggressively if you hope to receive athletic scholarships. Be thorough in your research, and include all the vital information. Register with the National Collegiate Scouting Association, which can connect you with colleges and coaches and even help you prepare resumes and video profiles. To maximize your chances of getting a college scholarship, you must apply to as many colleges and to as many programs as you can.