Being the Wedding MC
Knowing that you must keep the guests informed as to what is happening means that you need to know what the plans for the big day are.
So, knowing that means you should arrange as early as possible to sit down with the bride and groom - and perhaps her parents - and also possibly a wedding planner to agree an initial plan as to what will happen and when and who will be involved.
This may be flexible to start with, but as you approach the day more things will become firmed up until you have the Wedding reception plans agreed and set in stone.
Even before they are finalised you'll know about any special requests from the bride and groom, and anything that may be troublesome, they need extra care taken over or anyone who should be taken especially good care of.
That means you can start planning what you're going to say and also starting to think to jokes, anecdotes and one liners that you'll be able to use on the day.
You need to be careful here that you don't offend anyone here.
You are NOT a stand up comedian; your job is to inform.
The comedy act is a bonus if you think you can carry it off, it is not a central part of the job.
However, many people find that adding humour helps their fear of public speaking as a few genuine laughs from guests is a real confidence booster.
Planning what you are going to say is one thing.
You should also know before the day the details of who will be speaking and find out their exact names and how they are related to the bride or groom if there is any doubt.
Tricky names can be memorised - correctly, of course - and you might like to write them down with an aid to pronunciation.
If you look at the big picture first and plan your day around that, the smaller things will fall into place much more easily and your day as a Wedding MC should be a roaring success.