Yu-Gi-Oh!What a Birthday with Party Games!
In just a few short years, this Japanese cartoon has become a multi-million dollar franchise.
Cartoons, movies, comic books, trading cards and of course merchandise is everywhere, it seems.
For parents planning a birthday party, this is great news.
Yu-Gi-Oh merchandise, including party supplies and birthday cakes are available anywhere in the country.
However, what could parents do to keep the little Yugi fans entertained after the presents are opened and the cake is gone?Yu-Gi-Oh inspired party games can come to the rescue! Find the Pharaoh One of the central themes of Yu-Gi-Oh is the inability of the pharaoh, a spirit thousands of years old, to find his identity.
Have your partygoers help him via a treasure hunt.
Write clues on Yu-Gi-Oh cards and have teams of little ones set off to find the pharaoh's identity (a parent is a great choice for this role).
Depending on the age of your partygoers and the time available, you can tailor the complexity and number of clues as needed.
Be sure to use old or unused Yu-Gi-Oh cards for this.
Capture the Star Chip Yugi needs ten star chips to advance to the next round of a card dueling tournament.
Divide the kids into two teams, one for Yugi and one for his nemesis Maximillion Pegasus.
The game consists of two teams and two star chips.
A large, glittery ball is a good choice for a star chip.
In order to win the star chip, one team must steal it from the other and return it to their chosen base.
If a player is tagged, they are out of that star chip round.
If they are carrying the star chip at the time, it must be returned to base and the game restarts.
If a team captures the opponents star chip, that counts as one star chip and the game resets.
The first team to 10 wins.
Alternately, each may start with 6, 7 or 8 star chips and the first team to have 10 star chips wins.
With an endless supply of merchandise, movies, comics and cards available, it seems Yu-Gi-Oh is everywhere.
Why not make it the theme for a party?With these Yu-Gi-Oh themed party games, you'll be sure to keep guests entertained for hours.