If Your Ex Has Just Broken Up With You, Don"t Seek Revenge!
You either want him back or you don't. If the latter is the case, then grieve for awhile over the failed relationship and move on. You are single, so go out and have fun. Any attempt to gain revenge will only result in hurting yourself.
But, if you really want this man in your life and you feel guilty as to having caused the breakup, you have options.
First, let him know your true feelings through a letter, apologizing for the bad behavior and reminding him of the good times you once enjoyed together. Include how much he means to you and how much you miss him.
Assuming that you receive a positive response from him, agree to meet him somewhere on neutral ground. A more public place will help to keep emotions in check, what with people surrounding you. This is the time to tell your ex your real feelings, hiding nothing. Try not to let any anger show, but do not start the blame game.
Don't use the word "you" as in "you did this to me." Use the word "I" as in "I feel that this was done to me."
Be prepared to accept criticism from him. You may have been responsible for some aspect of behavior for which you were unaware that eventually caused the breakup. You will come out better by listening to what he says. If you can work through the problems, you will be out a stronger couple. Granted, he did the initial breaking up, but surely somewhere your behavior was a contributing factor.
Remember, no game playing. Anything held back will only surface later on and will cause more problems, including the possibility of a second breakup.
If you follow the previous advice, then one day when you are once again a happy couple, you will look back and be thankful for the breakup that became a wakeup call toward saving your relationship.
If your relationship is in trouble, or if you just want to make an OK relationship into a GREAT one, then "The Magic of Making Up" is a must read. It is a proven and easy to follow means of solving problems found in personal relationships. Its author, T.W. Jackson, has received heartfelt gratitude for his skill in assessing problems and applying quick and effective solutions, thus salvaging many relationships which otherwise might have been doomed to certain failure.
To read "The Magic of Making Up" in its entirety, just click to: