How Copywriting Supports Strategic Marketing
Because copy that captures your market will at once reveal your most highly prized prospects, the essence of your competitive advantages, and the psychological triggers that cause your audience to buy. It will reveal your best features and their emotionally compelling benefits.
However: Your competition will find it near impossible to replicate. Why? Because copy is never a collection of creative wishful thinking. Rather, copywriting done right will blend your company's genuine advantages with irresistible brand strengthening benefits though a compelling personal brand story. Your competition can not compete on those grounds.
So begin from your marketing objectives. Your copywriter can quickly develop punchy copy for quick gains and easy improvements to your current campaigns. But the real advantage of using a worthy copywriter is to create a sustained competitive advantage through irresistible marketing. In Marketing Due Diligence, McDonald, Smith and Ward explain: "Market definition should be described in terms of a customer need, in a way which covers the aggregation of all the alternative products or services that customers regard as being capable of satisfying that same need."
Gene Schwartz had this to say: "Your markets sophistication depends on how many similar products, and how many competing ads... the goal is to be at exactly the right place, at the right time, with the right gadget or gizmo - To discover, intensify, and revitalise the desires held by a market. To focus those already existing desires onto a particular product."
Giving your copywriter an accurate market definition and product description will help him or her hit the bulls eye in the copy they write for you.
Here's where marketing and copywriting come together. Your copywriter must understand the essence of your company and product to build brand preference and response 'inside the mind' of your target audience.
Al Ries and Jack Trout in Positioning - The Battle For Your Mind said "Positioning starts with a product. A piece of merchandise, a service, a company, an institution, or even a person. Perhaps yourself. But positioning is not what you do to a product. Positioning is what you do to the mind of the prospect. That is, you position the product in the mind of the prospect." The closer you can identify the correct positioning the better. Your copywriter can help. Answer this question: What does your company 'equal'?
The history of beer starts with 'just beer' and then came Miller Light to create a new market category of calorie conscious beer drinkers. How can you create a new market category? Your copywriter can help.
Your Product Positioning Statement - To really empower your copywriter, work together to select a suitable company/product positioning statement for the brief. Something to the effect of: My product helps [whom?] do [what?], [when?], better than any other product in the world by [how?]. With strong product positioning, your copywriter can produce rock-solid sales messages for you.