Esther: AWoman"s Challenge to the Young and Mature

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She was young, a virgin, obviously beautiful, and probably calm in spirit.
Her birth name was Hadasah.
She was brought to an unfamiliar place with many other young, beautiful girls.
What made her different that she, over all the other maidens, stood out? When we read the story of Esther, we see her emotions don't seem too differ much from our own - or do they? When she was taken into the kings court, her uncle, a devout Jew and servant of God, told her not to disclose her heritage, her race as a Jew.
She was obedient.
Young women - do you listen to and follow the directions of your elders who have already been there and done all that, whatever ALL that was? Or when you find yourself in new and strange situations do you do what you think is right, and in step with what our society says is okay to do? For one whole year, Esther was trained in the ways of womanhood.
Her body was prepared, she was taught the proper way to bathe, and given messages fit for a queen.
She yielded her freedom: to be prepared for a life of possible purpose.
Remember, she was only one of many young, beautiful women.
Young women of today, are you prepared to yield to the teaching and training of older, wiser women who could prepare you to be powerful women of God? Older women, are you prepared to teach the ways of the Lord to these children? Older women, are you prepared to show them how to care for their bodies, mind and souls, so they are ready to live purposeful Lives?The obedience of Esther isn't just for the young.
There is responsibility on both sides.
When Esther was queen, and her people were threatened with death, did she act immediately to save them? NO! Her uncle had to let her know that if her people went down, she would go down with them.
Could it be that she was chosen, put in this dangerous position for such a time as this?He told her she was in a position to make a difference.
She was scared! If she went before the king without being called, she could be put to death - right then.
Even though she was queen, she could be killed for this act of independence.
Aren't you glad we live in today? But, like Esther, we all are going to face a time of decision.
Do or will you stand for what you know is right?Or will you go with the flow thinking you are protecting yourself?Livin' right ain't always easy.
In making her decision to go before the king, Esther went back to her training as a child.
She told her uncle to have the people fast for three days.
This meant to go without food or drink, and be in prayer to God for three days.
She would also fast and pray, and would then go before the king and then she made a firm decision for herself and her people, "If I perish, I perish.
" There is a song some of you might remember, "Trust and Obey There is No Other Way.
"This was Esther's time to put everything before the Lord.
This was Esther's time to ask the Lord, "More of You and less of me.
"This was Esther's time to say, "not my will, but Yours be done.
" Devout women of the Lord, young and old, where does our duty lay today? Women, young and old - how much do you really want the Kings favor in your life?Our King today is Jesus Christ.
Are we spiritually, physically and emotionally prepared to go before our King, to go before Him and bring our petitions to Him?Are we prepared and have we prepared our young maidens to step out on faith? Take a good look around you at our young ladies 18 years and younger.
Have we in this family of Christ Jesus done all we can do to prepare them, have we shown them how to stay purified? Have we taught them how to be courageous, self-confident, more importantly God-confident, powerful women, who will obtain favor because they walk and live the principles of God's Word? Do they know, have they been taught the Bible promises, and how to apply those promises of God's Word in their lives?Do they have, or have we been the uncle Mordecai in their lives to encourage them and push them forward during the dark times? Esther wasn't so different from our own young women.
We are a group of women active in our Christian community.
We are a family of women who gather on Sunday mornings - Do we represent the wisdom, the love of Mordecai in the lives of these young women?If not, there is much work to be done before we ourselves `are presented to the King of Kings.
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