3 In 1 Credit Report- Get It And Improve Your Credit Score
3 In 1 Credit Report is a report that provides all the information about your capacity to pay for your loans. it is a record of all the payment history and trends. The institutions use these to judge your financial repute. It can also be used by you to get your record improved. You can check the areas which are making your records bad and can work on them.
There are three agencies that maintain these reports. These are Trans Union, Experian and Equifax. All these reports are designed to judge the risk involved in a loan process with an individual. All of them includes all the financial records and your behavior in past. So if you have made all your payments in time then you are safe but if you have missed some payments dates and have taken some huge loans then you may find your record a little bad.
Getting these reports is very easy. You just need to submit an online request and you can get it with you in a very small time span. Every citizen of USA is entitled to have it for free once a year. So you can get it without paying any fee for it. So if you want to improve your credit score then you should get it as soon as possible.