How to Care for your Quilt
All quilts need to be cleaned on occassion , washing a quilt in the washing machine is a great choice. We need to set the controls to a delicate /gentle cycle and employ a mild detergent and let the quilt agitate for 2 minutes before soaking it for 10 minutes. The quilt must be perturbed again and then we need to set the machine controls to a spin cycle to let the water drain from the quilt. We shouldn't [**] wash our quilt continually to save the standard of the fabric.
After cleaning the quilt, we want to lay it down on towels and wait for twenty-four hours for the quilt to dry. Quilts can also be hand-washed by placing them in a bath-tub and cleaning them with warm water and minute quantity of soap. Any stains on the quilt should be washed instantly with cool water and a clean white terry cloth and a very mild stain remover should be used if found necessary. If we choose to display our quilt on the wall, then we use a high quality quilt hanger that is capable of supporting the weight of the quilt, otherwise it could end in fiber damage and even breakage.
If our quilt remains folded the majority of the time, then we need to refold it every couple of months to be sure that permanent crease lines and stress points don't appear on the quilt. We also should store it in a cool place as sunlight is understood to have a fading effect on colours. If the quilt is stockpiled in damp or damp conditions, then the fiber might rot. Duvets should be stored at a place that is around 65-75F. WE should never store our quilts in places that don't have correct ventilation. We should also never stack quilts one top of each other as the stress on each quilt increases giving rise to crease lines. Duvets should also never be wrapped up in plastics because the vapors from the fabrics could cause the quilt fabric to become worse.
We need to take away the dust accumulated on the quilt from time to time. We need to support the quilt firmly and then shake the dust down. We are able to also vacuum small sections of the quilt. We should never dry-clean our quilt because the chemicals used in the process might damage it. We should never eat, smoke or drink round the quilt. No heavy objects should be placed on it. If we wish to label our quilt, then we can write the data on a piece of washed cotton or acid-free paper and place it on the quilt.
If the quilt fabric is well looked after and you consider these contributors, your quilt should last considerably longer and can be passed down for generations. .