How to Landscape With Red Rocks
- 1). Determine where you want to landscape with red rocks. Consider placing the rocks at the base of a tree to define the space or laying them throughout your landscape.
- 2). Find red rocks at garden stores, quarries, nurseries, online landscape companies or home improvement stores.
- 3). Calculate the size of the space where you want to place the red rocks. The square footage will help you determine how much red rock to purchase. A store employee may be able to help.
- 4). Lay down landscape cloth in the area where you will be placing the red rocks. This will prevent weeds and grasses from growing through the rocks. Cut the landscape cloth to size with scissors.
- 5). Have the red rocks delivered to your home if you're buying an amount that is more than you can manage to carry. Ask the delivery person to dump the rocks as close to the landscaping site as possible to minimize your workload.
- 6). Load a wheelbarrow with the red rock. Move the wheelbarrow to the garden and dump the red rocks. Use a shovel to spread the rocks, then even out the layer with a metal rake.
- 7). Move the red rocks around the base of each plant. Make the layer thin enough that water can still penetrate to the roots.