Financial Aid Regulations on Military Deployment
- If deployment causes you to miss only a few classes at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs (UCCS), for example, you should work with the faculty in advance of your departure. Explain your situation and make arrangements to cover the material and makeup exams, if any. UCCS suggests you discuss with your professors how your attendance will affect your final grade in each course. Faculty will work with you. If you do not withdraw, your financial aid is unaffected.
- Real World Deployment involves deployment for military service that exceeds 30 days. It does not include weekend reserves or guard commitments. At Wichita State University (WSU), for example, deployed military get assistance from the university with their withdrawal and return. WSU asks you to officially withdraw through the registrar's office. After withdrawal, go to the tuition and fees window where you may complete an exception form for a full refund. They ask to see a copy of your orders, if they are not classified. If you have classified orders, show your military identification instead. Your financial aid will be refunded to the issuer and you will not owe money to the school.
- The National Guard occasionally calls up its members for active duty. National Guardsmen in South Carolina, for example, may participate in the South Carolina National Guard College Assistance Program, which aids guardsmen attending college. In the case of a military mobilization during a school term, the Program strongly encourages your school to provide a full refund of financial aid or a credit against future charges. The service member must re-enroll within 12 months of demobilization.
- Withdrawal procedures, while usually similar to those described at Wichita State, vary slightly by school. Your protection lies in following the procedures outlined in your school's catalog. For withdrawals due to military deployment, know your school's policies and procedures for refunding your financial aid. Determine how to reactivate your status when you return. If you fail to properly withdraw, fail to show proof of deployment or fail any other crucial step in the process, it may affect your grades, your account at the school and/or your ability to resume your studies after demobilization.