Is Split Testing Included In Googles Analytics
A great webpage is one that is free of clutter, and has a "fresh" look to it. You must create a good eye catching head that will grip the surfer's attention and then hold their attention on the page long enough to accomplish your goals. Important information that will grab the readers' attention should go above the page fold (the area of the web page that is visible when a user loads the page). This information should be considered carefully as this is the area that will hold the reader's attention and keep them on the page and purchase your business product, (using the shopping cart) download information, or fill out any forms you may have on your website. All of this information should be laid out above the page fold.
Just setting up a webpage is not enough however to keep your customers coming back. One must think about repeat business if you are to become a success at your online business. A good start to secure repeat business is to place a newsletter or email subscription on your page to keep track of those interested in your product. These links should be place on your homepage. Feedburner is a free email subscription tool that can get you started.
Some of these desired actions that are performed on your website are known as conversions in the Google online marketing world. With the Google website optimizer, you can perform two types of testing. A/B split tests along with Multivariate testing. A/V Google optimizer is most excellent used when your website gets a low amount of traffic. It's also greatest used when you are testing different web pages, or want to move objects around on that web page.
Multivariate testing is unusual than A/B testing. It is used for testing on unusual locations within a web page. Its greatest used when there is high traffic on that particular website page. Also, its optimal use is when you desire to test a lot of place at the similar time on a web site page. Through multivariate testing, you'll first want to recognize and tag which links that you want to test and the goal for those links.
Next you'll need to follow the installation wizard after you click on the Google website optimizer tab. In this process, you'll be implementing variations and implementing symbol for your marketing analysis needs. The website optimizer will automatically create different variations for the usage of your test pages. Use the preview feature to see how this different will look before you start it live on your website. After you're done previewing, you can start your screening. You'll want to periodically analyze your results to make sure that they are effective. Another feature that is available is that you will be able to copy the experiment if you want to run it again and see results.
The Google multivariate test will show reports including data that will show how the percentage of conversions has changed since the different and combinations were added. Implementing the Google website optimizer is a granular way of tracking how a web page is performing and will help to optimize conversions, Return on Investment (ROI calculated by profit divided costs), and help gain customer loyalty.