Are You an Emperor Or Empress of Secrets?
Watching others going through their day completely unaware of the knowledge you hold and are keeping hidden.
Desperately wanting to tell someone and share the secret.
To confide the information would also be sharing the load of tension that builds as the secret is not revealed.
Hoping that the person to whom you have just revealed the secret is more trustworthy than yourself.
Because, you just lifted the lid on the hidden knowledge and gave the power to someone else.
The creation The secret might be something as simple as what gift you are going to give your friend for his or her birthday.
Planning and coordinating each aspect of the arrangements.
Bringing all the requirements together to make the surprise complete.
From the inception of the hidden knowledge the creator of the secret allocates themselves the top position in the schematic of the plan.
The creator conceived the idea and is also carrying out the details.
So what happens when someone busts the secret wide open and allows the information to leak into the public domain? Reigning supreme Having assigned yourself the position as the Emperor or Empress of Secrets you see yourself as reigning supreme.
Holder of the secret knowledge.
As soon as you share this specific secret information with any member of your royal court.
The confidentiality of the knowledge is breached.
It is no longer secret.
When the receiver of the secret knowledge shares the information with a third party the Emperor or Empress feels as though they have been dethroned.
This abrupt stripping of the illusion of power can result in an angry response.
As the creator of the secret feels deprived of the thrill of anticipation.
Staying focussed The decision to surprise your friend with a specific birthday gift is known only to you.
No one else is aware that you have made the decision.
The assigning of a position of power over the knowledge is an illusion.
A mind game.
The true focus was and still is the friend who is having the birthday.
If you remain focussed on the element of surprise.
Your own needs for gratification are being placed before those of your friend having the birthday.
Wielding power As the Emperor or Empress of Secrets you have the ability to bring joy into the lives of others.
You also have the power to cause others to tremble at what you infer.
As the reigning monarch of secret information the true value of your power is the courage and strength to stay silent.