What is Estrogen Dominance and How Does It Start?
They are: * Anxiety Attacks * Painful periods * Mood swings * Sore breasts * Night sweats * Hot Flashes * Scrambled brains * Stubborn weight gain * PMS * Reduced libido Estrogen is vital.
It coordinates our menstruation all through our lives from puberty to the menopausal period.
It regulates our cholesterol and keeps the level safe as well as protecting women against osteoporosis because it strengthens our bones.
Although estrogen comes into contact with every cell in out body through the blood stream, it is only utilized in specialist cells that are equipped with estrogen receptors.
These receptors are proteins found on the surface of the cell and they act like a door or a switch, estrogen cannot permeate cells that don't have these receptors.
Estrogen do their job in certain cells and then depart and get broken down in the liver.
When we menstruate, the breast cells accept estrogen as part of a signal to get ready for pregnancy and the end result of that is the fact that the breasts can be sore and tender.
Unfortunately there are substances called xenoestrogens which are also called estrogen mimics, these are chemicals which are so close to estrogens that the receptors can accept them as estrogen.
Chemicals in common household substances such as pesticides, soaps, fertilisers, and cleaning products are absorbed easily by the skin because they are fat soluble.
All of these external estrogens build up over time.
These estrogen mimics once in our systems wreak havoc.
Firstly they can bind to healthy cells and send false signals, while others block the bodies' natural estrogen from being distributed to the cells that need it because they inhibit the receptors.
When there are cancers cells caused by a hormonal imbalance these can receive a signal to spread and grow which increases the size of the tumors.
As each of us have an individual metabolic rate we all have a different rate of estrogen metabolism and after the estrogen has been utilized it should be sent to the liver by the bloodstream.
However this exchange is not always as fluid or as rapid as it should be and the excess amounts of estrogen carry on floating around in the blood stream and also lead to estrogen dominance.
Modern research has indicated that the position is even more complex than that there are two separate distinct pathways the estrogen can take to the liver to be discharged out of the body.
The first way is extremely beneficial because there are good estrogen 2-hydroxy metabolites, which encourage strong bones and help to prevent osteoporosis, and prevent heart disease.
They also have the added bonus that they can expel cancer cells from the body.
Conversely there are the 16-hyroxy metabolites which are destructive.
If the excess estrogen becomes these metabolites they just crank up the amount of estrogen in the system which leads to greater estrogen dominance.
The results can be zinc deficiency, osteoporosis, and certain cancers, autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, tumors and also clinical depression.
by: Rita Goldman