How to Get My Ex Girlfriend Back After a Year
A year after a break up she has most likely healed and moved on or she still cares about you. First of all, before you even contact her, find out why you guys broke up in the first place. You will need to fix some things about yourself first. The reason why I say this is because she may want to check you out to see if you are a better person or you are still the same person that she used to straggle with in a relationship. So fix yourself and make yourself a better person for her to have a good reason in making up with you again.
The next move on how to win your ex back is to open communication with her. Initiate communication and start talking to her more often but never confess your inner feelings too soon. This can scare her away. How to win your ex back that you haven't been with in a year has a lot to do with you playing it cool with her, Flirting with her, keeping a distance and not letting her know of your intentions. You will want to be friendly with her while trying to bring back the sweet moments that you used to have together. This can bring good memories to her that can spark interest in you again.
How to get my ex girlfriend back after a year is easy if you really follow the right steps because your ex girlfriend is not a stranger to you. You are still connected to her as past lovers. All you will need to do is take it slow, Don't show or tell your feelings too soon, Make some changes about yourself, Flirt with her the right way and just make her find you as someone with sense of humor.
Don't try to dig into about her love life since you broke up. This can mess things up. You never want to ask your ex woman how many men she has dated since you broke up or even dig further with this question. Of course if she has someone she may tell you or she may not if she is interested in you. I think is best to leave things fall into place naturally without pushing her and expressing your feelings. Just have fun pursuing her back and always be confident. This is exactly how to win your ex back after a year but there are many other things that you'd also need to learn in order to understand how relationships work and how to deal with break ups in general. I hope you enjoyed How to get my ex girlfriend back after a year article.