Get A Health Symptom Diagnosis Of Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer symptoms might not be detected before prostate cancer is revealed from a routine PSA blood test, which is a test done to screen males for this form of cancer. But, some men will experience changes in urination or pain, which could indicate cancer. This article will share how to identify symptoms that need a doctor's attention and help you form an online symptom diagnosis.
The prostate gland is part of a man's reproductive system. It is a small gland about the size and shape of a walnut that envelops the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine as it exits the body.
Prostate Cancer Symptoms And Causes
Prostate cancer might not be seen in its earlier stages. In much more advanced conditions, the following signs may be viewed:
* Difficulty with urination in that the urinary stream is sluggish or delayed
* Decreased force in the urine stream
* Dribbling after urination ends
* Leakage of urine
* Straining urination with a feeling that the bladder was not able to empty entirely
* Blood in the urine or semen
* Discomfort or pain in the pelvic area
* Bone pain
Quite a few of these signs and symptoms mimic a more common issue in most men as they age, that is an enlarged prostate. This ailment is termed Prostate Hypertrophy or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and is normally a harmless condition.
The trigger of prostate cancer is not entirely comprehended but risk factors have been discovered. Men who are at larger risk are:
* African-American men
* All men above the age of 60
* Men with a family history of cancer of the prostate
Various other risk factors may include:
* Obesity
* Men who eat a high fat diet, specifically animal fats
* Exposure to agent orange or cadmium
* Farming
* Tire Plant employees
* Painters
Prostate Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment
In some cases, the above mentioned signs will be discover but a lot of circumstances of prostate cancer are detected from a routine screening assessment. These assessments may include a Digital Rectal Examination or a blood test referred to as a Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test. If abnormalities are discovered with the screening checks, your physician may recommend further assessments to confirm the diagnosis such as an Ultrasound or a biopsy of the prostate.
A biopsy is the only test which can positively verify the presence of cancer cells and if cancer cells are present your results should be described employing something known as a Gleason score. The Gleason score is a way of evaluating how aggressive your cancer is with 2 meaning nonaggressive cancer and 10 meaning very aggressive cancer.
Your medical doctor may order additional exams to figure out if the cancer has spread like a CT Scan, Bone Scan or MRI.
Treatment of prostate cancer could vary from individual to individual and can be decided based on a variety of factors such as how rapidly your cancer is progressing, if it has spread, your age, your complete level of wellness and probable side effects of the remedies.
Some men might not have to have immediate treatment in particular if these men are diagnosed quite early or if the man is of an older age. In these situations the doctor may take a "watchful waiting" method in which regular follow-up blood tests, rectal exams and quite possibly other tests (i.e. biopsies) are carried out to keep track of the expansion of the cancer.
In other circumstances where the cancer is detected in an early stage, your medical professional may look at surgical treatment and radiation therapy. Various other types of therapy may be considered in particular if the cancer has spread. These various other treatment options may involve hormone therapy, cryotherapy, high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy and chemotherapy.
The prostate gland is part of a man's reproductive system. It is a small gland about the size and shape of a walnut that envelops the urethra, which is the tube that carries urine as it exits the body.
Prostate Cancer Symptoms And Causes
Prostate cancer might not be seen in its earlier stages. In much more advanced conditions, the following signs may be viewed:
* Difficulty with urination in that the urinary stream is sluggish or delayed
* Decreased force in the urine stream
* Dribbling after urination ends
* Leakage of urine
* Straining urination with a feeling that the bladder was not able to empty entirely
* Blood in the urine or semen
* Discomfort or pain in the pelvic area
* Bone pain
Quite a few of these signs and symptoms mimic a more common issue in most men as they age, that is an enlarged prostate. This ailment is termed Prostate Hypertrophy or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) and is normally a harmless condition.
The trigger of prostate cancer is not entirely comprehended but risk factors have been discovered. Men who are at larger risk are:
* African-American men
* All men above the age of 60
* Men with a family history of cancer of the prostate
Various other risk factors may include:
* Obesity
* Men who eat a high fat diet, specifically animal fats
* Exposure to agent orange or cadmium
* Farming
* Tire Plant employees
* Painters
Prostate Cancer Diagnosis And Treatment
In some cases, the above mentioned signs will be discover but a lot of circumstances of prostate cancer are detected from a routine screening assessment. These assessments may include a Digital Rectal Examination or a blood test referred to as a Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) test. If abnormalities are discovered with the screening checks, your physician may recommend further assessments to confirm the diagnosis such as an Ultrasound or a biopsy of the prostate.
A biopsy is the only test which can positively verify the presence of cancer cells and if cancer cells are present your results should be described employing something known as a Gleason score. The Gleason score is a way of evaluating how aggressive your cancer is with 2 meaning nonaggressive cancer and 10 meaning very aggressive cancer.
Your medical doctor may order additional exams to figure out if the cancer has spread like a CT Scan, Bone Scan or MRI.
Treatment of prostate cancer could vary from individual to individual and can be decided based on a variety of factors such as how rapidly your cancer is progressing, if it has spread, your age, your complete level of wellness and probable side effects of the remedies.
Some men might not have to have immediate treatment in particular if these men are diagnosed quite early or if the man is of an older age. In these situations the doctor may take a "watchful waiting" method in which regular follow-up blood tests, rectal exams and quite possibly other tests (i.e. biopsies) are carried out to keep track of the expansion of the cancer.
In other circumstances where the cancer is detected in an early stage, your medical professional may look at surgical treatment and radiation therapy. Various other types of therapy may be considered in particular if the cancer has spread. These various other treatment options may involve hormone therapy, cryotherapy, high-intensity focused ultrasound therapy and chemotherapy.