Advantages to Using a Blog to Publish Your Novel - Part Two
Another reason is it allows a conversation between reader and writer.
Traditionally a story is written as a solo act.
Then people read it, criticise it, and rewrites happen and in time the story gets published.
But does it have to be that way? If you use a blog and publish one chapter a week, this allows the reader to make comments.
They may even ask questions about the story or highlight what they are thinking at any stage of novel.
This allows the writer and reader to hold a conversation on the story, and you may get ideas from them as well as to the direction it is taking.
This is a huge advantage for online novel writers over our paperback counterparts.
It gives the reader an opportunity to influence the material being written.
So many readers who would love to write want to dig into the minds of writers.
These people want to learn how a writer thinks, how they develop characters, how dialogue is created and what the writer is imagining when they describe the surroundings.
Blogs allow this to happen, why would you miss the chance to tell people your secrets? When you have a reasonable following you may want to consider writing a few teaser chapters then ask the readers "What should happen next?" This is something that can never happen in the offline world.
It is our advantage, why not use it? Search engines, as a basic rule, love blogs.