Useful Hemorrhoids Cure And Home Coping Techniques
Soft and easy bowel movement
One of the most effective coping technique and hemorrhoids cure is ensuring that your bowel movement stays easy and normal. Suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids at the same time can only be described as nightmare. You owe it to yourself to ensure that your bowel movements are normal and your stool is soft. You can do this by consuming a lot of fiber and drinking plenty of fluids daily.
Use laxatives
If you cant avoid constipation, use laxatives. There are several OTC products you can use but dont just use any. There are some laxatives that can irritate and worsen the condition instead of promoting relief. One good hemorrhoids cure you can do at home is to put a dab of petroleum jelly on your anal area. Using a cotton swab, apply the jelly about half-an-inch into the rectum.
Be gentle when cleaning the anal area
Instead of using coarse towels, use baby wipes when cleaning the anal area. Its even better to dampen the tissue first before using it to wipe the area. Furthermore, use gentle strokes and avoid applying pressure it can only worsen the condition. Other great products to use are moisturizer-coated facial tissues. These can be easily purchased at your local store and are some of the friendliest wipes for the anal area when suffering from hemorrhoids.
Consider witch hazel
Topical creams are tremendously effective for external hemorrhoids. Herbal remedies like witch hazel have been known to treat the condition. What you can do is to dab a little bit of the cream to the rectum using a cotton ball. This can also help you cope with bleeding external hemorrhoids.
If the area is painful, you can try putting the bottle of the hemorrhoids cure in a bucket of ice and take the cream from there. Remember that anything cold can prevent inflammation and thus, effective in alleviating the painful symptom of the condition.
Mark Michael Ferrer
Hemorrhoids Cure
One of the most effective coping technique and hemorrhoids cure is ensuring that your bowel movement stays easy and normal. Suffering from constipation and hemorrhoids at the same time can only be described as nightmare. You owe it to yourself to ensure that your bowel movements are normal and your stool is soft. You can do this by consuming a lot of fiber and drinking plenty of fluids daily.
Use laxatives
If you cant avoid constipation, use laxatives. There are several OTC products you can use but dont just use any. There are some laxatives that can irritate and worsen the condition instead of promoting relief. One good hemorrhoids cure you can do at home is to put a dab of petroleum jelly on your anal area. Using a cotton swab, apply the jelly about half-an-inch into the rectum.
Be gentle when cleaning the anal area
Instead of using coarse towels, use baby wipes when cleaning the anal area. Its even better to dampen the tissue first before using it to wipe the area. Furthermore, use gentle strokes and avoid applying pressure it can only worsen the condition. Other great products to use are moisturizer-coated facial tissues. These can be easily purchased at your local store and are some of the friendliest wipes for the anal area when suffering from hemorrhoids.
Consider witch hazel
Topical creams are tremendously effective for external hemorrhoids. Herbal remedies like witch hazel have been known to treat the condition. What you can do is to dab a little bit of the cream to the rectum using a cotton ball. This can also help you cope with bleeding external hemorrhoids.
If the area is painful, you can try putting the bottle of the hemorrhoids cure in a bucket of ice and take the cream from there. Remember that anything cold can prevent inflammation and thus, effective in alleviating the painful symptom of the condition.
Mark Michael Ferrer
Hemorrhoids Cure