The Science Of Dating Women
Let's examine 3 scientific principles.
It is simple but it works.
You will gain clarity and by applying these elements, you will improve your dating skills.
Scientific Principle 1 - Psychology The number 1 biggest mistake - men often spend loads of time trying to understand the psyche of women in order to date them.
You will never understand a woman because you are not of the same makeup.
Stop being an idiot! You have to understand you own psyche, your own psychological makeup.
Your brain is already "hardwired" to make women want you; it is in your nature.
The problem is that social conditioning leads men to believe that attracting women is something that's beyond him.
So he wastes a lot of his time studying women.
He would benefit more if he finds out which behaviour will allow him to express his desire freely.
This leads to a common problem with most people.
When people are faced with a problem, they tend to look for an external source or solutions.
In reality, solutions are within their thinking and correcting their thoughts does the modifications.
Scientific Principle 2 - Know your Mathematics Many men have a fear of rejection.
Please get the hard facts; you cannot have every woman you want.
It is just simply impossible.
It is a ratio game.
There is a certain ratio of women you meet that ends up in a date.
From those dates, there is again another ratio that ends up in repeated dates.
Every man's ratio is different; in general, it is about 10%.
Make a calculation and know your ratio.
You will not be intimidated by rejection because you understand the laws of nature.
There is a number to the people you will not be able to attract, no matter how much effort and time you put in.
Do your Mathematics! You will then put yourself in the confident game.
Scientific Principle 3 - Adapting Biological & Habitual Makeup Keep up with the times.
Your forefathers' brains were hardwired differently from yours, in the modern environment.
They looked at women different as your brain does.
What this means is, in order to attract women you have to develop new mindsets and new sets of behaviour that are effective in order to attract women.
This simply means; you may have to go against your natural urges and adapt.
The Art of Attraction In addition, you may like to use hypnosis and hypnotherapy as an effective solution to improve your confidence and dating skills.
Everyone feels attracted to confident people and this stems back to prehistoric instincts.
How can hypnosis & hypnotherapy help improve your dating skills and social life? Self-confidence is developed and nurtured during your life experiences and negative experiences can also create an impact on your confidence.
Therefore, your self-confidence can change dramatically if left unchecked.
The benefits of hypnosis assist to improve and keep your confidence level high despite your life's interruptions that may make an impact you negatively.
Hypnosis can assist you by deprogramming and reprogramming your subconscious psyche.
The Subconscious Mind is your emotional element part of the mind, which triggers the "fight" or "flight" mechanism when under a stressful situation.
When you feel awkward at the expectation of approaching a woman, it is your incoherent and emotive subconscious mind that causes you to fidget and feel the discomfort (stress kicks in) Although, on the conscious level you know you have little to be worried about with your safety when approaching an attractive woman.
Feeling anxious about dating woman can be compared to phobias such as a fear of spiders, public speaking, dentist, etc.
You know logically there is no real danger yet, you're still afraid.
Therefore, to take away such fears, the subconscious mind needs to have new communication established and hypnotherapy is an ideal tool to accomplish this effectively.
A hypnotherapist applies various processes to assist termination of this cycle of fear and thus helping you acquire self-confidence with women.
One of the processes that a hypnotherapist does is to guide you through a creative visualisation technique where you envisage being naturally composed and positive in the presence of women.
After emerging, your subconscious mind will think that this has actually taken place because the mind does not know how to differentiate between reality or imagination.
In another process that a hypnotherapist uses is to unlock the deep-seated fear and disassociate the negative emotion.
This will break away from that depressing cycle so you have the natural ability to have a positive outlook.
There are other processes that are being applied to get you back on the dating game confidently and also to climb the ladder of success.