Attention on Symptoms of Sleep Disorders
Typical pattern of sleeplessness includes the incapacity to fall into sleep or stay asleep during night times, waking up at earlier time than usual and fatigue at daytime.
Most persons having insomnia can not sleep in unsuitable situations, such as in driving.
If this happens, it may be a sign of medical disorder (like sleep apnea) causes insomnia.
Sleep apnea - excessive sleepiness at daytime is the primary sign.
Some persons may deny sleepiness however feel fatigued.
Other signs are snorting, snoring and gasping noise whenever you sleep- frequently first observed by sleeping partner.
Restless or not refreshing sleep is typical also, like headaches at day break.
Narcolepsy - extreme sleepiness at daytime, improved by naps, is a sign of narcolepsy.
Dreaming through naps and experiencing dream-like illusions as you feel sleepy are warning signs also.
Loss in muscle control (called cataplexy) which happens with emotion, like anger or laughing and the incapacity to move as you sleep or wake up (called sleep paralysis) are signs also.
Restless Leg Syndrome - the major caution symptom is the tempting urge in moving your legs abruptly after getting into bed, in the medial time of the night after waking up, or even if wide awake at daytime.
It generally feels better when you rise up to stroll around or rubbing your leg.
"Creepy-crawly" or jerking feeling within your feet calves, thighs or arms are signs of restless syndrome in the leg - the feelings of discomfort may be quite diverse.
Twitching or kicking leg movements when sleeping and sometimes while being awake, can be caution signs.
You may call the attention of your doctor if you experience the following: You snore noisily or make snorting or gasping noises while sleeping.
You normally feel not refreshed on awakening and are fatigued constantly.
Sleep disorders are amongst the several probable causes for fatigue.
You believe your sleep troubles can be connected to underlying situations, like heart failure and depression.